Commonly Used HTML Inline Elements


What Are Commonly Used Inline Elements?



Here are some commonly used inline elements:

  • strong - Defining text with a strong emphasis.
  • em - Defining text with an emphasis.
  • code - Defining computer code text.
  • sub - Defining a subscript text.
  • sup - Defining a superscript text.
  • del - Defining text to be treated as deleted text.
  • ins - Defining text to be treated as inserted text.
  • b - Defining the bold font weight to its content.
  • i - Defining the italic font style to its content.
  • tt - Defining a teletype font to its content.
  • big - Defining a bigger font size to its content.
  • small - Defining a smaller font size to its content.
  • br - Defining a line break.
  • script - Defining client-side script code.
  • a - Defining an anchor.
  • img - Defining an image.
  • map - Defining a clickable image map.
  • input - Defining an input field in a form.
  • select - Defining a selection field in a form.
  • textarea - Defining an input text area in a form.
  • label - Defining an input field label in a form.
  • button - Defining an action button in a form.
  • span - Defining a logical group of inline elements and text.


HTML 'strong' Tag/Element

Introduction of HTML Inline Elements

HTML In-line Elements and Tags

⇑⇑ HTML Tutorials

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