Interview Questions

Given a BST, print all nodes lying between two values ......

Microsoft Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

138. Given a BST, print all nodes lying between two values ......

Given a BST, print all nodes lying between two values, inclusive of these values. Write test cases for same.

maybe an answer:

print elements in a BST between min. and max.

pseudo code

Print(BST root, int min, int max) {
insert(root, min);
while(min->successor < max) {
print("%d", min->successor);
min = min->successor;

In the code above, min->successor means the successor of the node whose key is equal to min.
The code below is to find the successor of the current node "nd"

node *findMin(node *nd) {
while (nd->left) {
nd = nd->left;
return nd;
node *successor(node *nd) {
if (nd->right) {
return findMin(nd->right);
node *y = nd->parent;
while (y && y->right == nd) {
nd = y;
y = y->parent;
return y;

(Continued on next question...)

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