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XHTML Tutorial - Getting Extra White Spaces

By: FYIcenter.com

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How To Get an Extra White Space?

As you know that white space characters will be ignored in elements like "p". So how to get some extra white space to show up in your text paragraphs? On easy solution is to use XHTML entity: " ", which stands for "non-breaking space".

Here is an example of using "nbsp":

  <!-- 4 white spaces at the beginning of the paragraph -->
  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was once upon a time
    a peasant-woman who had a daughter and a step-

  1. What Is the XHTML Element Content?
  2. What Are the XHTML Element Content Models?
  3. What Are the XHTML Elements Defined with EMPTY Contents?
  4. What Are the XHTML Elements Defined with PCDATA Contents?
  5. What Are the XHTML Elements Defined with Sub-elements Contents?
  6. What Are the XHTML Elements Defined with Mixed Contents?
  7. What Is PCDATA?
  8. What Is an XHTML Entity?
  9. What Is CDATA?
  10. What Is a Sub-element?
  11. Can Two Elements Partially Overlap Each Other?
  12. What Is the Sequence of Sub-elements?
  13. What Is a Required Sub-element?
  14. What Is a White Space Character?
  15. How Exactly White Space Characters Are Ignored?
  16. How To Get an Extra White Space?

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