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XHTML Tutorial - Using "checkbox" Input Fields

By: FYIcenter.com

(Continued from previous topic...)

How To Use "checkbox" Input Fields?

A "checkbox" input field is defined as <input type="checkbox" .../>. A "checkbox" input field can be used to create a checkbox to allow viewers to switch on or off a boolean flag. There are other attributes you may need to use for a "checkbox" input field:

  • name="fieldName" - Specifies the name of this field.
  • value="selectedValue" - Specifies the value to be used when this checkbox is selected. The default is value="on".
  • checked="checked" - Specifies that this checkbox is checked by default.

Here is a tutorial example with three checkbox input fields:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
  <title>Checkbox Input Fields</title>
  <h4>Online Survey</h4>
  <form action="http://localhost/submit">
  <p style="background-color: #eeeeee; padding: 8px;">
   You are learning XHTML: <input type="checkbox"
   You are learning CSS: <input type="checkbox"
    name="check2" value="css"/><br/>
   You are learning PHP: <input type="checkbox"
    name="check3" value="php" checked="checked"/><br/>
   <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

If you save the above document as checkbox_input.html, and view it with Internet Explorer, you will see a form with three checkbox input fields as shown below:
            Checkbox Input Fields

(Continued on next topic...)

  1. What Is a "form" Tag/Element?
  2. What Are the Attributes of a "form" Element?
  3. What Is an "input" Tag/Element?
  4. How Many Input Types Are Supported by "input" Elements?
  5. How To Use "text" Input Fields?
  6. How To Use "password" Input Fields?
  7. How To Use "checkbox" Input Fields?
  8. What Are the Values Submitted on Checkbox Fields?
  9. How To Use "radio" Input Fields?
  10. What Are the Values Submitted on Radio Button Fields?
  11. How To Use "submit" Input/Action Fields?
  12. What Are the Values Submitted on Submit Button Fields?
  13. How To Use "reset" Input/Action Fields?
  14. How To Use "file" Input Fields?
  15. How To Use "hidden" Input Fields?
  16. How To Use "image" Input Fields?
  17. What Are the Values Submitted on Image Button Fields?
  18. How To Use "button" Input Fields?
  19. What Is a "textarea" Tag/Element?
  20. What Are the Attributes of a "textarea" Element?
  21. What Is a "select" Tag/Element?
  22. What Is an "option" Tag/Element?
  23. What Is a "label" Tag/Element?
  24. Can Two Forms Be Nested?
  25. Do Broswers Support Multiple Forms?

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