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XHTML Tutorial - XHTML Documents

By: FYIcenter.com

(Continued from previous topic...)

What Does an XHTML Document Look Like?

An XHTML document is a normal text file with predefined tags mixed with the text contents of the document. Tags are enclosed in pairs of angle brackets: "<" and ">".

Below is how a simple XHTML document will look like if you open it in a text editor:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
  <title>My First XHTML Document</title>
 <p>Hello world!</p>

(Continued on next topic...)

  1. What Is XHTML?
  2. What Does an XHTML Document Look Like?
  3. What Is the Relation between XHTML and HTML?
  4. What Is the Relation between XHTML and XML?
  5. What Is the Relation between XHTML and the Web?
  6. What Is the Relation between XHTML and HTTP?
  7. What Is the Relation between XHTML and URL?
  8. What Is URI?
  9. What Is the Relation between XHTML and SGML?
  10. What Is the Relation between XHTML and CSS?
  11. What Is the Relation between XHTML and DTD?
  12. Who Developed XHTML?
  13. What Is the Latest XHTML Specification?
  14. How Many Tags Are Defined in XHTML 1.0?
  15. How To Validate XHTML Documents Online?
  16. What Tools to Use to Write XHTML Documents?
  17. What Tools to Use to View XHTML Documents?

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