< 1 2 3 4 5 > >>   ∑:111  Sort:Rank

Install WSL 2 on Windows 10
How to Install WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux) 2 on Windows 10? There are two options to support Docker Desktop on Windows: Using WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux) 2 - WSL 2 is a Windows tool that allows you to install a Linux distribution as an app from the Windows store. WSL 2 actually uses the Linux ke...
2023-01-30, 1144🔥, 0💬

Shutdown Docker Desktop on Windows
How to Shutdown Docker Desktop and related services on Windows? If you shutdown Docker Desktop and related services on Windows system, you can follow this tutorial. 1. Right-click "Docker Desktop" icon in the task bar to open the "Docker Desktop" control menu. 2. Select "Quit Docker Desktop". You se...
2023-01-30, 1060🔥, 0💬

Install Docker Static Package on Windows 10
How to install Docker static package on Windows 10? If you have trouble installing Docker Desktop for Windows 10, you want to try the static command line version of Docker CE (Community Edition) as shown in this tutorial. 1. Go to https://download.docker.com/wi n/static/. 2. Click and open "Stable &...
2023-01-30, 1019🔥, 0💬

Building Docker Images for Windows
Where to find tutorials on Building Docker Images for Windows? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Building Docker Images for Windows. "microsoft/windowsservercore" - Windows Base Image "microsoft/windowsservercore:l atestnot found"...
2023-01-30, 965🔥, 0💬

"microsoft/windowsservercore:latest not found" Error
Why am I getting the "microsoft/windowsservercore:l atestnot found" Error? You are getting the "microsoft/windowsservercore:l atestnot found" Error, because Microsoft has deprecated "latest" tag across all Windows base images to encourage better container practices. 1. Visit (Docker Image) Windows S...
2022-12-15, 2971🔥, 0💬

"docker run --entrypoint" - Override Default Command
How to override the default command in a Docker image using the "docker run --entrypoint" command? Each Docker image has default command defined as the "ENTRYPOINT" which will run automatically when you start the container created from the image. But you can override it with the "docker run --entryp...
2022-12-15, 1785🔥, 0💬

"no matching manifest for windows/amd64" Error
Why am I getting the "no matching manifest for windows/amd64" Error while running "docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/windows:1809 "?You are getting the "no matching manifest for windows/amd64" Error, because Microsoft did not provide any images to match the CPU architecture of "windows/amd64" of your ho...
2022-12-15, 1265🔥, 0💬

"microsoft/windowsservercore" - Windows Base Image
What is the Windows Base Image, "microsoft/windowsservercore"? If you want to build any Docker images for Windows platform, you should take a look at the Windows base image first. 1. Search for Windows related images: C:\fyicenter&gt; docker search windows microsoft/windowsservercore The officia...
2022-12-15, 985🔥, 0💬

"docker run microsoft/dotnet-samples" - Test Run
How to do a test run on the "microsoft/dotnet-samples" Docker image? "microsoft/dotnet-samples" Docker image is a good base image that supports .NET platform on Windows 10. You can try with with the "docker run microsoft/dotnet-samples" command: 1. Create a container and run it from microsoft/dotnet...
2022-12-15, 574🔥, 0💬

Build "sleep" Image from Alpine
How to Build my "sleep" Docker image from the Alpine image? I want the container to sleep for 10 hours. If you want to build a new Docker image that can be started with a 10-hour sleep command, you can follow this tutorial. 1. Create a "Dockerfile" file with 2 instructions: fyicenter$ mkdir sleep fy...
2022-06-28, 13454🔥, 1💬

"docker container ..." Commands
Where to find tutorials on how to use "docker container ..." commands? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on how to use "docker container ..." commands. "docker container ..." - Manage Containers "docker container list" - List Contain...
2022-02-19, 1362🔥, 0💬

PATH Directories of Windows Container
How to see the PATH directories of Windows image? I want to know what programs I can run on the container. One way to see the PATH directories of a Windows image is to run the CMD shell interactively. Then run the SET sub-command in the shell. C:\fyicenter&gt; docker run --name windows --entrypo...
2022-02-02, 956🔥, 0💬

Build a Dummy Windows Image
How to do a dummy image from the "microsoft/dotnet-samples" Docker image? If you want play with the "microsoft/dotnet-samples" Docker image, you should build a dummy Docker image using it as the base. 1. Create a Dockerfile to define the new image: C:\fyicenter&gt; type DummyImage FROM microsoft...
2022-02-02, 862🔥, 0💬

Commands Available on Windows Container
What commands are avaible on a Windows container? Can I run the "DIR" command? No. You can not run the "DIR" command on a Windows container directly, because "DIR" is not really a Windows command. "DIR" is actually sub-command valid in the "CMD" shell environment. On a Windows container, you can onl...
2022-02-02, 676🔥, 0💬

Run PowerShell Commands in Dockerfile
How to run PowerShell Commands in Dockerfile to change Windows Docker images? When building a new Windows image, you can only run executable programs that are already installed on the image. A Windows image usually provides programs in the C:\Windows\System32 directory, including two commonly used p...
2022-01-24, 10450🔥, 0💬

Run CMD Commands in Dockerfile
How to run CMD Commands in Dockerfile to change Windows Docker images? When building a new Windows image, you can only run executable programs that are already installed on the image. A Windows image usually provides programs in the C:\Windows\System32 directory, including two commonly used programs...
2022-01-24, 5515🔥, 0💬

"openjdk" Docker Image for Windows
What is the "openjdk" Docker Image for Windows? "openjdk" Docker Image for Windows provides a Docker container of as a Java development environment. 1. Create a container from the "openjdk" image. C:\fyicenter&gt; docker container create --name java --tty --interactive openjdk 2. Start the conta...
2022-01-24, 1108🔥, 0💬

Path Name Used to Build Windows Images
What is the format for path names used to build Windows Docker images? Is it different than Linux path name format? Yes. Path name format used to build Windows images is different from Linux images. There are 2 general rules you have to remember when using path names in the Dockerfile to build Windo...
2021-11-30, 1044🔥, 0💬

Spaces in Path Name on Windows Images
How to manage spaces in path names on Windows images? Spaces in path names are not allowed on Linus systems. But spaces in path names are allowed on Windows systems. There are 2 general rules you have to remember to manage spaces in path names in the Dockerfile to build Windows images. 1. Using the ...
2021-11-30, 963🔥, 0💬

"shell" Format vs. "exec" Format
What is the differences between "shell" format and "exec" format when writing instructions in Dockerfile for Windows images? There are several differences between "shell" format and "exec" format when writing instructions in Dockerfile for Windows images. 1. The "shell" format is simple to use. But ...
2021-11-30, 921🔥, 0💬

Build My Java Image with "openjdk"
How to build My Java Docker Image with "openjdk" If you want build your own Java Docker image with "openjdk", you can following this tutorial. 1. Create a Java program, Hello.java: C:\fyicenter&gt; type Hello.java class Hello { public static void main(String[] a) { System.out.println("Hello worl...
2021-11-30, 797🔥, 0💬

Use "ENV" Instruction on Windows Image
How to use "ENV" Instruction in Dockerfile for Windows images? In a Linux environment, the "ENV" instruction does two things in the image build process: Providing a local variable for subsequent instructions as $var or ${var}. Inserting an environment variable to the Linux image. However, the "ENV" ...
2021-11-30, 727🔥, 0💬

Switch OS Type on Docker Desktop for Windows
How to Switch OS Type on Docker Desktop for Windows? One nice feature Docker Desktop for Windows is the ability to support 2 OS types: Linux and Windows. You can follow this tutorial to switch between Windows and Linux OS types on Docker Desktop. 1. Make sure "Docker Desktop" is running. 2. Right-cl...
2021-11-13, 1372🔥, 0💬

Windows vs. Linux Containers
What are differences between Windows Containers and Linux Containers? A Docker server environment has its own OS (Operating System) like any other computing environments. Currently there are two main OS types supported by the Docker server: Linux and Windows. In order to run a Docker container on a ...
2021-11-13, 1102🔥, 0💬

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