Interview Questions

The above code appears in the global.asa file. What would it accomplish?

ASP Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

74. The above code appears in the global.asa file. What would it accomplish?

< % Set Application("Thing") = Server.CreateObject("THINGDOER.thingy") % > The above code appears in the global.asa file. What would it accomplish?

A. It would create a "Thing" object and place it in Contents Collection of the Application object.
B. It would create a "Thing" object and place it in StaticObjects Collection of the Application object.
C. It would create a "Thing" object and place it in the Application.Buffer Collection Of the Application object.
D. It would create an application-level variable named "Thing" with the value of the object property "THINGDOER.thingy".
E. It would fail to create a "Thing" object because the code requires the Application.Lock and Application.Unlock methods.

(Continued on next question...)

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