Interview Questions

When should I use server session pools and connection consumers?

BEA WebLogic Questions and Answers

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When should I use server session pools and connection consumers?

WebLogic JMS implements an optional JMS facility for defining a server-managed pool of server sessions. This facility enables an application to process messages concurrently. A ConnectionConsumer object uses a server session to process received messages. If message traffic is heavy, the connection consumer can load each server session with multiple messages to minimize thread context switching. Multiple connection consumers can share server sessions in a server session pool.
To learn how to use the connection consumers within an application, see the section Processing Messages Concurrently in Programming WebLogic JMS, or the javax.jms.ConnectionConsumer javadoc.
Note: Server session pools can also be implemented using Message Driven Beans. Using MDBs is preferable to using server session pools - see the answer to the question, "How do server session pools and Message Driven Beans compare?" For information on using message driven beans to implement server session pools, see Programming WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans.

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