Interview Questions

I write a program in C++ that asks the user for names of students and their cooresponding midterm scores ...

C++ Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

I write a program in C++ that asks the user for names of students and their cooresponding midterm scores ...

I write a program in C++ that asks the user 
for names of students and their cooresponding
midterm scores, at the end, it displays each
person, their average, gpa, class ave, total
a's, b's, etc.  I make the exe and it works
fine, how do I make it run in something other
than the command prompt, I mean, make it so 
that it is like a page where you can just
enter the info in and hit enter and it 
display the calculates in say, a box 
that was empty at the bottom of the page?

I. Event Driven Programming, Part #1

The most challenging hurdle that most new
programmers face when moving from the command 
line to a graphical user interface is getting 
their head around event-driven programming. 
While there are some rare exceptions--I worked 
on a couple of PlayStation2 games that had menu
systems that were only semi-event driven--
practically ALL graphical applications use 
an event-driven architecture.

In a typical command line application,
you get some input from the user at startup,
immediately do some work based on the input 
and then exit. If you need more input from 
the user you display a prompt and wait there
until the user enters something. [KEY POINT:
The *program* controls the flow of execution.]

In an event driven application, the program 
starts up and then waits there for "something"
to happen. "Something" might be a keystroke,
mouse click, tick from a timer or any number 
of other things. Most often, it's related to
 some sort of input from the user. When
"something" happens, the program then 
responds and does some work. 
This "something" is called an EVENT. 
Events are the core of event-driven programming. 
Events tell the program when the user does
something that the program needs to respond to.
 [KEY POINT: The *user*
controls the flow of execution.]

Here is some pseudo-code for a typical 
command line program:

void main()

Here is the same pseudo-code converted into
 a home-brew event-driven

void main()
//do forever (this loop is also called the "pump")
     while(true) { 
 // every time "something" happens, call 
 // the function that goes along with it
          if ( getKeystroke() ) {
          if ( exitKeyPressed) {

void onKeyPress() {

Cheesy as that sounds, that is exactly how 
most event-driven applications work... 
including large Windows applications. I am
over-simplifying a bit, but not by much. 
In addition to events, Windows adds an extra
layer called MESSAGES to make its job easier.
Messages are just bits of data 
(a UINT to be exact) with some
parameters attached that get passed around 
in order to tell a program what event just 
happened. Each MESSAGE passes a number, which
represents a specific EVENT. Then the program's 
EVENT HANDLER is called with that message number.
An event handler is a function in your program
that handles an event; or in other words, 
a function that does "something" 
when "something" happens.

In our pseudo-code listing, this concept 
could be written like so:

void main()
    // do forever ("MESSAGE PUMP")
     while(true) { 

// "translate" the events... every time 
//"something" happens,
// set the variable "message" 
//to the number that corresponds
          int message;
          if ( getKeystroke() ) {
               message = 1;
          if ( exitKeyPressed) {
                message = 2;

// "dispatch" the events... call a main
// event handler to
// figure out which sub-event handler to call

void doEvent(int message)
     switch(message) {

           case 1:

           case 2:

void onKeyPress() {

This may seem like a round-about way to 
do things, but messages make it easier for
Windows to pass important events between 
different programs. If the program doesn't 
know what to do with an event, it can also
pass it to the Windows default event handler.
The default event handler is just another 
function that figures out what to do with the
event when you aren't sure or simply don't 
want to deal with it.

Following is code for a real Windows program
to show you what I mean. This code will compile
and run with Microsoft Visual C\C++6.0; it should
also run with Borland or any other C\C++ 
compiler that supports the Windows API. Just in
case you aren't sure, the Windows API is a
set of functions, libraries, etc., provided by 
the operating system to do the basic things that
are required by a graphical program. This
saves you from re-inventing the wheel every time
you write a program; the code for things that 
all windows programs need, like the basic
functionality of a button, is already done 
for you. Other platforms, such as the Mac or
 X Windows\Motif, have similar APIs. From my
personal experience, I can say that the Windows 
API is more full-featured and does a lot more
things for you than many of the other platforms,
at the expensive of being enormous, sometimes
over-featured and often overwhelming.

The following code will create a basic window.
It also handles the PAINT event, and provides 
a sample function that draws a circle on the
window. (I apologize in advance if some of 
the code wraps funny. You may need to copy and
paste this into a mono-spaced editor to read it
more clearly.)

**********BEGIN LISTING****************

#define STRICT             // strict type checking
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN//exclude seldom-used code
#include <windows.h>//needed to write windows code

   Paints the Window Client Area 

This is your event handler for the PAINT event.
For each thing you  want to do, such as handle 
a keystroke or a button press, you'll have
an event handler function just like this.

Parameters: HWND hWnd - handle to current window. 
Windows identifies each form and control in an
application by assigning it a handle.
Most API functions need to know the handle of a window
in order to do anything interesting to it.

Returns: <nothing>
void onPaint(HWND hWnd)
 // structure for paint info
    HDC hDC;                 
// handle to graphics device context,
//i.e. where to paint

// create device context, prepare for painting 
    hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);

    // draw a circle
    Ellipse(hDC, 0, 0, 50, 50);

// update the window client area with 
//whatever else we want
    // delete device context

    // end painting 
    EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);

 Windows Message Pump Callback Routine

This is your MAIN EVENT HANDLER. This function
takes the events that    Windows passes in,
figures out what they are, and then calls your

sub-event handler functions to handle the event.
Any events that aren't handled  get passed on 
to the default event handler supplied by Windows

This saves you from having to write code
for events you don't care about, like, say, 
a notice that the window was resized.
Parameters: HWND hWnd     - our window's handle
            UINT wMsg     - message number
           WPARAM wParam - word parameter, contents
                           differ for each message
LPARAM lParam - long parameter, contents differ for
each message

Returns: 0 if we handled the message, 
 result code otherwise
UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// select and handle possible window messages 

// window created, initialize application 
        case WM_CREATE:          
 // do whatever you need to do on startup here

        // window close suggested 
        case WM_CLOSE:
 // do whatever you need to do on shutdown here

        // paint window requested
        case WM_PAINT:

        // application terminated 
        case WM_DESTROY:

//pass on other unhandled messages to default handler
 return(DefWindowProc(hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam));

    // return 0 if we handled the message 
    return 0L;

Main Entry Point             
-- this is the equivalent of "void main()"
    for a windows program

 HINSTANCE hInstance - current program instance
 HINSTANCE hPrevInst -handle to the previous instance
 LPSTR lpszCmdLine   - command-line arguments
 int nCmdShow        - window size/mode

 Returns: the value of PostQuitMessage
int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
   HWND hWnd;         // window handle from
create window
   MSG wMsg;                // message from
   WNDCLASS wndclass;       // window class
   char *strProgramName = "My Program Name";   
    // the name of your

// if this is the first instance of the 
application, register the window structure...

// back in the day, system resources were very tight,
and programs that used several  similar looking
windows could save loads of memory by storing
only one "design"  for a window in memory. new 
copies of the application in memory,
or "instances",   could point to the window design
that was already in RAM instead of loading it
again. even though it's less important today now 
that computers have gobs of  memory, windows 
still works this way; it has a number of misc
   if( ! hPrevInst ) {         = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;      
 //window style
wndclass.lpfnWndProc   = WndProc;      
//address to event handling procedure

 wndclass.cbClsExtra    = 0;     
// no extra class data

 wndclass.cbWndExtra    = 0;   
// no extra window data

wndclass.hInstance     = hInstance;  
//handle to the current instance

wndclass.hCursor       =LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
//stock arrow cursor

wndclass.hIcon         =LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
//stock icon

wndclass.lpszMenuName  = NULL;	
// menu name

wndclass.hbrBackground =(HBRUSH)(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE + 1);
//background color brush

wndclass.lpszClassName = strProgramName;  
//window class name


// create the main window. you can 
change the parameters to this function
to make different kinds of windows
// extended window style

strProgramName,       // program name
strProgramName,      // window titlebar caption

CW_USEDEFAULT,       // default x position
CW_USEDEFAULT,      // default y position

CW_USEDEFAULT,     // default width

CW_USEDEFAULT,    // default height 
NULL,        //parent's handle
NULL,       // menu handle
hInstance,     // handle to the instance
  NULL);       //initialization data

// display the main window; unless you 
make the window visible as part of the window
// style you specify, the window is invisible by default 

    ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow);

// windows "message pump"... remember 
that "while(true)" loop that sat around

// waiting for events in the pseudocode? 
well, here it is! through this loop, messages
// are parsed and eventually sent by 
windows to your main event handler, WndProc

// return exit code from program, 
obtained from PostQuitMessage
    return wMsg.wParam;

**********END LISTING****************

II. Event Driven Programming, Part #2

If you actually read the previous listing,
you might be reeling a little by now and
wondering if there isn't an easier way.
Thankfully, the answer is "yes".

Most programmers don't want to deal 
with the whole window setup routine (WinMain)
or frankly the main event handler (WndProc) either.
Most programmers just want to cut to the chase
and write the application-specific code for 
the events they are interested in (i.e. onPaint).
Fortunately, the people who write development 
tools are not insensitive to this need. Many
tools exist that will help you do exactly that.

MFC, for example, is a window framework that
does the dirty work for you. MFC handles the 
window setup and teardown that is basically the
same for all apps, and allows you to write 
only the onWhatever event handler functions 
that are meaningful to you. Deep, deep down
it still has a message pump but you'll never
see it... and for most people, that's a good thing.

Many other window frameworks other than MFC
are available and range from basic application 
skeletons to libraries that--like MFC--contain
a lot of extra code for other things that GUI 
programs like to do: such as send data over 
a network or write to a database. ViewKit,
for example, is a basic window framework 
for CDE and OSF/Motif developers
on Unix platforms.

III. Widgets, Windows and Gadgets, Part #1

The word WIDGET is a short for "window gadget".
A widget is any control you place on your main window 
(or FORM) such as a button, textbox or scrollbar.

Once you understand the basics of how to
get an event-driven window up and running, you'll
want to start adding widgets to make your app,
well, do something interesting. If you wanted 
to add a button using the Windows-API, you might
add the following code to your WinMain
function right before the call to ShowWindow:

"BUTTON",  // button class control name
"Click Me",  // default text
 // window style
30,  // horizontal position 
30,  // vertical position 
50,  // width  
50,  // height
hWnd,  // handle to parent or owner window
 // button id, anything you like
 // handle to application instance
NULL  // pointer to window-creation data

Be sure to make assign a unique ID to you button.
Do this by pasting the following line at the
top of the example:

#define IDC_MYBUTTONID   100

Notice that the CreateWindow function is 
used to make a button. Buttons, and other widgets,
are really just windows themselves much
like your main application window, 
but with special functionality
written into them to make them 
operate as buttons.

To make the button actually do anything, 
you'll need to attach an event to it. When a button
is clicked, Windows fires the WM_COMMAND
event. It also sets the low-order word of 
the wParam message parameter to the ID of the button,
so that you know what button was clicked. To
process this event, you'll need to add the following 
code to your WndProc function:

// button clicked
   if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_MYBUTTONID) {
   else {
        // some other button got clicked

Then you would add a function to serve as
 the event handler for your button:

void onClickMyButton(HWND hWnd)
MessageBox(hWnd, "Yeah, you clicked me!!", 
  "I was Clicked", MB_OK);

Congratulations! You've just made a real, 
working fully graphical pure-Windows API program 
that actually does something. It's not much,
but it fully demonstrates the core of what 
is involved in producing a simple 
application with a GUI.

IV. Widgets, Windows and Gadgets, Part #2

Just like manually writing the code for 
the event pump, most programmers have no 
tolerance for manually coding every button on
their form. Not only is it a pain to do,
it's difficult to maintain when you want
to make design changes. While there's 
no reason you can't do it that way, the truth
is that most major applications do not 
create all of their widgets by calling CreateWindow.

Most windows compilers include what is know 
as a RESOURCE COMPILER, which generally also includes
a graphical resource editor. A RESOURCE
EDITOR lets you design your form by dragging
and dropping buttons, scrollbars and other widgets 
onto it. When you are done designing, your form is 
saved as a RESOURCE SCRIPT and the positions of your
buttons and other widgets are stored inside. 
When you compile your application, this script is 
compiled into your application by the resource compiler.
Various API calls allow you to simply load even
complete window dialogs from a resource file,
which saves you the trouble of writing code to 
position all of the controls.

Tools such as MFC can help you simplify 
connecting your code to the resources you create.
However, you can use a resource editor to help
you design your user interfaces whether you use
MFC (or any other framework) or not.

V. Toolkits

Sometimes even a resource editor and window 
framework are not enough. Many people like to shortcut 
designing their applications even further by using one
of many different toolkits. For example, Tcl and the Tk
Toolkit is one popular means for designing simple GUIs. 
Many people develop just the graphical portion of 
their application in Tcl\Tk, and then write the remainder
of the application that does the actual work in C++. 
This is often a very quick way for people to add a GUI to a
command-line application without investing a large
amount of time programming the interface in C++. Mktclapp
is a tool that can help you do that a bit more easily,
 and can be found here:

Some other window toolkits and frameworks 
were already mentioned in
the comments.

VI. What Tools to Use

Which development tool(s) to use is a very 
personal decision based on a large number of 
different factors. Different tools vary greatly in
both performance and ease of use. Some tools 
are also better suited to different types of
applications. For example, since we've been
discussing MFC, MFC would be a great choice
for writing a spreadsheet application for 
Windows because it is easy to use and creates many
standard kinds of window appearances with less
effort. However, MFC would be a terrible choice 
for developing a trendy screen hack because
it makes it far too difficult to get under
the hood. MFC would also be a poor choice for
 developing a spreadsheet application if you intended
to port the application to several different platforms,
say Windows and Linux. If you wanted to do something
like that, you might be better off using a different
compiler entirely, perhaps such as GCC,
along with some sort of cross-platform window toolkit.

My best advice is just to shop around and see
what feels right for you. Think about what
kind of application you want to write, and see
if you can find something similar that someone
else has done and find out what they used to do it.
The other thing to consider is how much you are willing
to spend. Some tools--like many of the Linux
tools--are free, but some of the other tools--
like the Microsoft compilers--can be kind of pricey.
On the flip side, if you take a college course, 
you might be able to get the student edition of any of
them for fairly cheap.

VII. Where to Learn More

Obviously, there is a lot more to learn about 
developing applications with graphical user interfaces.
You might consider a course at your local community 
college, or at the very least, a trip to your local
library. Many of the "For Dummies" books are 
actually very good as are most of the
books published by O'Reilly.

Don't forget to read the compiler documentation,
either. Although I had a programming background to 
begin with--both my parents are programmers, 
so they taught me ever since I was little--
first taught myself C years ago strictly from the 
Borland help files. The MSDN has a wealth of 
information and lots of useful examples.
Many of the programming tools available come with
some basic docs or sample files
to get you started.

The following sites have good links to
information (and lots of code
you can swipe :-) ) as well as answers
to common questions related to
programming graphical applications 
for various platforms:

Experts Exchange

Code Guru

Code Project


Linoleum: Linux Programming Resources

Mac OS X Programming: Getting Started

(Continued on next question...)

Other Interview Questions