Interview Questions

Given a singly link list........

Microsoft Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

125. Given a singly link list........

Given a singly link list, you have to keep first M nodes and then delete next N nodes, again keep M nodes and delete next N nodes and so on. Write all test cases also. Discuss the time complexity also.

maybe an answer:

Set up 2 pointers r_start, r_end. r_start will first move M steps, then r_end moves M then N steps. Reset next values and repeat.

Node processLinkList(Node firstNode, int M, int N){
Node r_start = firstNode;
Node r_end = firstNode;
int m = M, n = N;
while(m-- > 0)
if(r_start.Next == null)
r_start = r_start.Next;
if(m > 0) break;

while(n-- > 0)
if(r_end.Next == null)
r_end = r_end.Next;


if(n > 0) {
r_start.Next = null;
else {
r_start.Next = r_end;
r_start = r_end;
return firstNode;

(Continued on next question...)

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