Testing Cookies on a Web Server in PHP


How To Test Cookies on a Web Server in PHP?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you want to test cookies with a browser, you need to run a Web server locally, or have access to a Web server remotely. Then you can copy the following PHP cookie test page, setting_receiving_cookies.php, to the Web server:

  print("2 cookies were delivered.\n");

  if (isset($_COOKIE["LoginName"])) {
    $loginName = $_COOKIE["LoginName"];
    print("Received a cookie named as LoginName: ".$loginName."\n");
  } else {
    print("Did not received any cookie named as LoginName.\n");
  $count = count($_COOKIE);
  print("$count cookies received.\n");
  foreach ($_COOKIE as $name => $value) {
     print "  $name = $value\n";

If you open this PHP page with a browser as http://localhost/setting_receiving_cookies.php, you will get:

2 cookies were delivered.
Did not received any cookie named as LoginName.
0 cookies received.

"0 cookies received" is because there was no previous visit from this browser. But if you click the refresh button of your browser, you will get:

2 cookies were delivered.
Received a cookie named as LoginName: FYICenter
2 cookies received.
  LoginName = FYICenter
  PreferredColor = Blue


What Is a Persistent Cookie in PHP

Receiving a Cookie from the Browser in PHP

Understanding and Managing Cookies in PHP

⇑⇑ PHP Tutorials

2016-11-04, 1795🔥, 0💬