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What Is Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)
What is Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)? Fabric CA (Certificate Authority) is a component of Hyperledger Fabric platform that manages certificates for Hyperledger Fabric Network as a MSP (Membership Service Provider). Similar to a standard PKI CA server, Fabric CA provides features such as: Regist...
2024-05-11, ∼2024🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-05-11 69@~~linux-4131: Ok lmao

BYFN Root CA Certificates
Where are BYFN root CA (Certificate Authority) certificates are located? Like all Hyperledger Fabric networks, BYFN is a private and permission based hyperledger network. Access to the network are control PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) technology. In BYFN, each organization who manages peer nodes a...
2023-07-20, ∼1348🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-07-20 mohsin: How can i register ad enroll user usig msp and ca

What Is Distributed Ledger
What Is distributed ledger? A distributed ledger, also called Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), is a consensus of replicated, shared, and synchronized data storage based the blockchain technology. The Distributed Ledger Technology can be used to change the way we do business today in many areas. ...
2023-03-28, ∼1397🔥, 0💬

Start Hyperledger Composer Playground Server
How to start and stop Hyperledger Composer Playground Server? The command that represents the Hyperledger Composer Playground Server is "composer-playground". You can start the server as shown below: $ composer-playground ... INFO :LoadModule :loadModule() Loading composer-wallet-filesystem from /us...
2022-10-13, ∼1405🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-10-13 Khôi Nguyên: Thank ^^

What Is Blockchain
What Is Blockchain? A blockchain is a growing list of data blocks that are cryptographically chained together. A blockchain has the following main features: A data block has a header and a list of data transactions. Merkle hash tree is used to store a fingerprint of all transactions in the block hea...
2022-03-29, ∼1105🔥, 0💬

What Is Smart Contract
What Is Smart Contract? Smart Contract was originally introduced by Nick Szabo to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract between parties. Today, smart contract is used to represent any executable code deployed in a distributed ledger application. The di...
2022-02-19, ∼1589🔥, 0💬

Business Network Development Concepts
Where to find tutorials on Business Network Development Concepts. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Business Network Development Concepts. Business Network Source Code Architecture Hyperledger Composer Model File Hyperledger Compo...
2022-02-19, ∼1008🔥, 0💬

Business Network CTO Modeling Language
Where to find tutorials on Business Network CTO Modeling Language. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Business Network CTO Modeling Language. What Is CTO Modeling Language CTO Language Statements "participant" CTO Statement Syntax ...
2022-02-19, ∼989🔥, 0💬

Business Network Source Code Architecture
What Is Business Network Source Code Architecture? Business Network Source Code Architecture can be summarized in the following diagram: Hyperledger Composer offers tools to help you developing hyperledger application, called business network, with following source code files: Model Files (*.cto) - ...
2022-02-19, ∼964🔥, 0💬

Start Hyperledger Composer Playground
How to Start the Hyperledger Composer Playground? You can follow this tutorial to start the Hyperledger Composer Playground. 1. Run Web browser and go to: composer-playground.mybluemix. net. You see the welcome page. 2. Click on "Let's Blockchain!". You see the playground home page. 3. Now you can s...
2021-12-28, ∼1900🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Runtime
What Is the Hyperledger Composer Runtime? The primary component of the Hyperledger Composer is the Composer Runtime as shown in the following architecture diagram: |----------------------------- || Business | Business | ... | | Network 1 | Network 2 | ... | |----------- API -------------| |---------...
2021-12-28, ∼1220🔥, 0💬

What Is Hyperledger Composer Playground
What Is Hyperledger Composer Playground? Hyperledger Composer Playground is a Web browser based tool that allows you to build and test your hyperledger application quickly. Hyperledger Composer Playground is part of the Hyperledger Composer tool set, which is designed to help you to build and test a...
2021-12-28, ∼1126🔥, 0💬

Introduction of Hyperledger Composer
Where to find tutorials on Introduction of Hyperledger Composer. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Introduction of Hyperledger Composer. Hyperledger Composer Components Hyperledger Composer Runtime   ⇒ Hyperledger Composer Co...
2021-12-28, ∼1042🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Components
What components are included in Hyperledger Composer? Here are major components included in Hyperledger Composer: Composer Runtime - Runs on top of the Hyperledger Fabric framework to run ledger applications called business networks. Composer Playground - Runs in a Web browser providing a Hyperledge...
2021-12-28, ∼960🔥, 0💬

CTO Language Statements
What are Business Network Model CTO Language Statements? Business Network Model CTO language supports 8 types of statements. namespace - The "namespace" statement declares a namespace as the prefix for all data types defined in this CTO file. The "namespace" statement has the same syntax as the "nam...
2021-08-04, ∼1047🔥, 1💬

What Is CTO Modeling Language
What is Business Network CTO Modeling Language? Business Network CTO Modeling Language is a special data modeling language to define complex data types from primitive data types. CTO source code can be stored in a single or multiple files with the *.cto file extension. Each CTO source code file shou...
2021-08-01, ∼1414🔥, 0💬

"participant" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "participant" CTO Statement The "participant" CTO statement declares a participant data type to represent someone who can interact with the business network under access control rules. Here is the syntax of a "participant" statement: [abstract] participant type_name [identi...
2021-08-01, ∼979🔥, 0💬

"asset" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "asset" CTO Statement The "asset" statement declares a generic data type to represent primary data entities that can be referenced with their unique IDs. Here is the syntax of an "asset" statement: [abstract] asset type_name [identified by id_name] | [extends super_type] { ...
2021-08-01, ∼1024🔥, 0💬

"transaction" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "transaction" CTO Statement The "transaction" statement declares the input message structure of a transaction type, which can be submitted to the business network for processing. Here is the syntax of an "transaction" statement: transaction type_name [extends super_type] { ...
2021-08-01, ∼962🔥, 0💬

"concept" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "concept" CTO Statement The "concept" statement declares a generic data type to represent secondary data entities to support primary data entities. Here is the syntax of an "concept" statement: concept type_name [extends super_type] { o|--> property_type property_nam...
2021-06-19, ∼982🔥, 0💬

"enum" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "enum" CTO Statement The "enum" statement declares an enumeration data type to represent data values with predefined options. Here is the syntax of an "enum" statement: enum type_name [extends super_type] { o value_option ... } Syntax elements used in a "transaction" CTO St...
2021-06-19, ∼970🔥, 0💬

Business Network JS Scripting Language
Where to find tutorials on Business Network JS Scripting Language. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Business Network JS Scripting Language. What Is JS Scripting Language "transaction" Process Function Syntax "transaction" Data Ty...
2021-06-19, ∼950🔥, 0💬

CTO Language Primitive Data Types
What are CTO Language Primitive Data Types? CTO Language Primitive Data Types built-in system data types that you can use them to build new data types Currently, there are 6 primitive data types supported: String - Represets a string of Unicode characters. Double - Represets a double precision (64-b...
2021-06-19, ∼930🔥, 0💬

"event" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "event" CTO Statement? The "event" statement declares the output message structure of an event type, which can be emitted from the business network for external systems to consume. Here is the syntax of an "event" statement: event type_name [extends super_type] { o|--&g...
2021-06-19, ∼921🔥, 0💬

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