HTML Tutorials


Where to find tutorials on HTML language? I want to know how to learn HTML.



Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by team about HTML language:

Introduction of HTML

What Is HTML?

HTML Versions and Variations

HTML Document Example

XHTML Document Example

Relation between HTML and XHTML

Relation between HTML and XML

Relation between HTML and HTTP

Relation between HTML and the Web

Relation between HTML and URL

Relation between HTML and URI?

Relation between HTML and CSS?

Relation between HTML and DTD

Relation between HTML and SGML

Introduction of HTML5

What Is HTML5?

Number of Elements Defined in HTML5?

Top Level Structure of HTML5 Documents

Smallest Valid HTML5 Document

Validating HTML5 Documents Online

Top Level Structure of XHTML5 Documents

Smallest Valid XHTML5 Document

Validating XHTML5 Documents Online

Introduction of XHTML 1.0

What Is XHTML 1.0?

Who Developed XHTML 1.0?

Number of Tags Defined in XHTML 1.0?

Top Level Structure of XHTML 1.0 Documents

XHTML 1.0 Document Types

Smallest Valid XHTML 1.0 Document

Validating XHTML 1.0 Documents Online

Tools for Writing XHTML 1.0 Documents

Tools for Viewing XHTML 1.0 Documents

HTML Tag and Attribute Syntax

What Is an HTML Element?

Entering Comments into HTML Documents

The Opening Tag of an HTML Element

Closing an HTML Element

Closing XHTML 'br' Tags

Closing XHTML 'meta' Tags

Entering HTML Element Content

XHTML Element Name Case Sensitive

HTML Element Attributes

Writing HTML Element Attributes

Attribute Name Case Sensitive

Quoting HTML Element Attribute Values

Ampersand Sign in HTML Attribute Values

Attributes Required by HTML Elements

Predefined HTML Attribute Values

The 'checked' Attribute of some HTML Elements

Introduction of HTML Element Content Syntax

HTML Element Contents

HTML Element Content Models

HTML Elements with EMPTY Contents

HTML Elements with PCDATA Contents

HTML Elements with Sub-elements Contents

HTML Elements with Mixed Contents

What Is PCDATA in HTML Documents?

HTML Entities

What Is CDATA in HTML Documents?

What Is a Sub-element in HTML?

Two HTML Elements Overlapping Each Other

Sequence of Sub-elements in HTML

Required Sub-elements in HTML

White Space Characters in HTML

White Space Characters Handling Rules in HTML

Getting Extra White Spaces in HTML

HTML Document Structure and Head Level Tags

HTML 'html' Tag/Element

Second Level Structure of HTML Documents

HTML 'head' Tag/Element

HTML 'body' Tag/Element

HTML 'head' Element Structure

HTML 'title' Tag/Element

Incorrect HTML 'head' Element

Missing XHTML 'title' Element

XHTML 'meta' Elements Not Closed

XHTML 'meta' Tag/Element

HTML Description 'meta' Tag/Element

HTML Keywords 'meta' Tag/Element

HTML Robots 'meta' Tag/Element

HTML http-equiv 'meta' Tag/Element

HTML Author 'meta' Tag/Element

HTML 'base' Tag/Element

HTML 'script' Tag/Element in 'head' Element

HTML 'link' Tag/Element

HTML 'style' Tag/Element

HTML Body Tag and Block Level Tags

HTML 'body' Tag/Element - Document Body

Incorrect HTML 'body' Elements

HTML 'body' Sub-Elements

HTML 'body' Element Attributes

HTML 'p' Tag/Element

Mixing Images with Text in a Paragraph in HTML

Controlling Line Breaks in a Paragraph in HTML

Highlight Part of a Paragraph in HTML

Getting Extra Space between Paragraphs in HTML

Incorrect HTML 'p' Elements

HTML 'pre' Tag/Element

Tab Characters in HTML 'pre' Element

Images in HTML 'pre' Elements

HTML 'blockquote' Tag/Element

Nested HTML 'blockquote' Elements

HTML 'h1' - Heading Tags/Elements

HTML 'hr' Tags/Elements

Other HTML Block Elements

HTML In-line Elements and Tags

Introduction of HTML Inline Elements

Commonly Used HTML Inline Elements

HTML 'strong' Tag/Element

HTML 'em' Tag/Element

HTML 'code' Tag/Element

HTML 'sub' and 'sup' Tag/Element

HTML 'del' and 'ins' Tags/Elements

HTML 'big' and 'small' Tags/Elements

HTML Line Break 'br' Tag/Element

HTML 'script' Tag/Element as Inline Element

Other HTML Inline Elements

HTML Hyper Links and URLs

Hyper Links in HTML Documents

HTML Anchor 'a' Tag/Element

Defining an HTML Hyper Link

Defining a HTML Bookmark

What Is a URL

Structure of a URL

Default Protocol and Port Number of a URL

URL Starts with Path or File name

Relative Path Name of a URL

Default File Name of a URL

Hyper Link Indexes within the HTML Document

Hyper Link Points to an Image

Hyper Link Points to a Music File

Hyper Link Points to a PDF File

Hyper Link Points to a ZIP File

Creating an HTML Link to Open a Document in New Window

HTML Lists and List Items

What Are HTML List Elements

HTML Ordered List 'ol' Tag/Element

HTML List Item 'li' Tag/Element

Multiple Paragraphs in an HTML List Item

HTML Un-ordered List 'ul' Tag/Element

HTML Definition List 'dl' Tag/Element

HTML Nested List Elements

HTML Ordered List Item Markers

HTML Un-ordered List Item Markers

HTML Tables and Table Cells

HTML 'table' Tag/Element

HTML Table Row 'tr' Tag/Element

HTML Table Cell 'td' Tag/Element

HTML 'table' Element Attributes

Creating HTML Table Borders

'frame' - Controlling HTML Table Borders

'cellspacing' - White Spaces between HTML Table Cells

'cellpadding' - Padding Spaces in HTML Table Cell

'width' for HTML Table Widths

Missing Cells in HTML Table Row

'align' - Horizontal Alignment HTML Tables

'valign' - Vertical Alignment in HTML Table

'th' - Adding HTML Table Headers

HTML Table 'caption' Tag/Element

'colspan' - Merging Cells HTML Table Rows

'rowspan' - Merging Cells HTML Table Columns

Creating Nested HTML Tables

HTML Forms and Input Fields

HTML 'form' Tag/Element

HTML 'form' Element Attributes

HTML 'input' Tag/Element

Different Types of HTML 'input' Elements

Using HTML 'text' Input Fields

Using HTML 'password' Input Fields

Using HTML 'checkbox' Input Fields

Values Submitted in HTML Checkbox Fields

Using HTML 'radio' Input Fields

Values Submitted in HTML Radio Button Fields

Using HTML 'submit' Action Fields

Values Submitted in HTML Submit Button Fields

Using HTML 'reset' Action Fields

Using HTML 'file' Input Fields

Using HTML 'hidden' Input Fields

Using HTML 'image' Input Fields

Values Submitted in HTML Image Button Fields

Using HTML 'button' Input Fields

Using HTML 'textarea' Input Fields

HTML 'textarea' Element Attributes

HTML Drop Down List 'select' Tag/Element

HTML Drop Down List 'option' Tag/Element

HTML Input Field 'label' Tag/Element

Can Two HTML Forms Be Nested

Browsers Supporting Multiple HTML Forms

HTML Inline Images and Image Maps

HTML 'img' Tag/Element

Attributes of an HTML 'img' Element

Reducing the Display Size of an Image in HTML

Floating an Image to the Right Side in HTML

Animated Images in HTML

Server-Side Image Maps in HTML

Client-Side Image Maps in HTML

HTML 'map' Tag/Element

HTML 'div' and 'span' elements

HTML 'div' Tag/Element

Using HTML 'div' Elements with CSS Properties

Nested HTML 'div' Elements

Floating HTML 'div' Elements

HTML 'span' Tag/Element

Changing Fonts a Paragraph with HTML 'span'

HTML Interview Questions

Interview Questions - Basic Concepts

Interview Questions - HTML Syntax

Interview Questions - HTML Block Elements

Interview Questions - HTML Inline Elements

Interview Questions - HTML Table Elements

Interview Questions - HTML Hyper Links and Images

Interview Questions - HTML Forms and Input Fields

Interview Questions - HTML General

Copyright © All rights reserved. HTML v1.01


Introduction of HTML

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