HTML Robots 'meta' Tag/Element


What Is the HTML Robots "meta" Tag/Element?



The robots "meta" element is a special "meta" element that provides directives to robots who is visiting the HTML document. The robots "meta" element must include the "name" attribute as, name="robots". The "content" attribute must use predefined values of:

  • content="index,follow" - Asking the robot to index the document, and follow links in the document.
  • content="noindex,nofollow" - Asking the robot to not index the document, and not follow links in the document.
  • content="index,nofollow" - Asking the robot to index the document, and not follow links in the document.
  • content="noindex,follow" - Asking the robot to not index the document, and follow links in the document.
  • content="all" - Same as content="index,follow".
  • content="none" - Same as content="noindex,nofollow".

Here is a good example of the robots meta element:

<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />


HTML http-equiv 'meta' Tag/Element

HTML Keywords 'meta' Tag/Element

HTML Document Structure and Head Level Tags

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