HTML 'body' Tag/Element


What Is the HTML "body" Tag/Element?



The "body" element is the third element you need to learn. The "body" element is used to provide content of the HTML document. Here are some rules about the "body" tag/element:

  • The body element is a second level element. The body element must be the second child element of the html element.
  • You can only place a single body element in an HTML document.
  • The body element must be coded with the body opening tag, <body>, and the body closing tag, </body>.
  • The body element can not be empty. The body must have one or more block-type elements
  • The body element can not have any text information directly included between the opening and closing tags.


HTML 'head' Element Structure

HTML 'head' Tag/Element

HTML Document Structure and Head Level Tags

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