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Specifying Domain and Path for a Cookie in PHP
How To Specify Domain and Path for a Cookie in PHP?
If you want to specify domain and path for cookie, you can use the setcookie() function with two extra parameters. The sample PHP script below shows you how to set the domain and path attributes for temporary and persistent cookies:
<?php setcookie("LoginName","FYICenter", NULL, "/", ""); setcookie("PreferredColor","Blue", NULL, "/", ""); setcookie("CouponNumber","07470433",time()+60*60*24*7, "/store", ""); setcookie("CouponValue","100.00",time()+60*60*24*7, "/store", ""); print("2 temporary cookies were delivered.\n"); print("2 consistent cookies were delivered.\n"); ?>
⇒ Mistake on Setting Cookie Path and Domain in PHP
⇐ Domain and Path Attributes for Cookies in PHP
2016-11-03, 2191🔥, 0💬
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