Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Working with MySQL Database in PHP
Where to find tutorials on how to work with MySQL Database in PHP?
A collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions on how to Work with MySQL Database in PHP. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on connecting and selecting MySQL database, creating and dropping tables, inserting, updating, and deleting rows, selecting and looping through data rows, searching by key words, setting auto-increment IDs. Topics included in this collection are:
Installing MySQL Server in PHP
Using MySQL Command Line Interface in PHP
Information Needed for MySQL Connection in PHP
Connecting to a MySQL Server in PHP
Selecting an Existing Database in PHP
Running a SQL Statement in PHP
Number of Rows Affected by a SQL Statement in PHP
Inserting Data into a Table in PHP
Inserting Rows Based on SELECT Statement in PHP
What Is a Result Set Object in PHP
Looping through Returning Rows from a Query in PHP
Quoting Date and Time Values in PHP
Performing Key Word Search in PHP
Querying Multiple Tables Jointly in PHP
⇒ Installing MySQL Server in PHP
2016-10-22, 2504🔥, 0💬
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