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JSON Format Syntax
What is the JSON format syntax? I heard that it is very simple.
JSON format syntax is very simple. It can be summarized below:
1. A JSON text string contains a single JSON Value.
2. A single JSON Value must be one of the following:
3. A Unicode character is any printable ASCII character (except " and \) or one of following escape sequences:
\" - Representing double quote, same as \u0022 \\ - Representing backward slash, same as \u005c \/ - Representing forward slash, same as \u005f \b - Representing backspace, same as \u0008 \f - Representing form feed, same as \u000c \n - Representing new line, same as \u000a \r - Representing carriage return, same as \u000d \t - Representing tab, same as \u0009 \uxxxx - Representing any Unicode character with its code point specified as 4 hex digits xxxx as in this example: \u263a \ - Representing nothing, if not followed with an escape sequence
4. All whitespace character sequences outside JSON String are considered as a single space character.
2023-04-13, 2170🔥, 0💬
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