Tools to Create Atom Feed Files


Are there any tools to Create Atom Feed Files?



Obviously, there are many tools to create Atom Feed files:

  • Using Atom on-line scrapers - On-line scrapers are on-line services that can analyze your Web pages and convert the result into Atom feed files automatically. All you need to do is to provide the URLs of your Web pages.
  • Using Atom off-line scrapers - Off-line scrapers are software tools that can analyze your Web pages and convert the result into Atom feed files automatically. All you need to do is to provide your Web page contents to scrapers.
  • Using Atom file editors - Creating Atom feed files by entering required data and let the editor to finish the XML elements for you. A good example of Atom file editor is Tristana Writer, provided by
  • Using generic text editors - Creating Atom feed files by entering all the required XML elements yourself with generic editors, like Notepad++ or vi.
  • Using Atom file generation APIs - APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are programming packages, modules or libraries that you can interact with in your own programs to perform predefined functions. Atom file generation APIs helps you to write your own programs to generate Atom files. For example, XML::Atom is Atom file generation API for Perl language.


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