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Reading Directory Entries in PHP
How To Read a Directory One Entry at a Time in PHP?
If you want to read a directory one entry at a time, you can use opendir() to open the specified directory to create a directory handle, then use readdir() to read the directory contents through the directory handle one entry at a time. readdir() returns the current entry located by the directory pointer and moves the pointer to the next entry. When end of directory is reached, readdir() returns Boolean false. Here is a PHP script example on how to use opendir() and readdir():
<?php mkdir("/temp/download"); $array["one"] = "Download PHP scripts at\r\n"; $array["two"] = "Download Perl scripts at\r\n"; $bytes = file_put_contents("/temp/download/todo.txt", $array); print("List of files:\n"); $dir = opendir("/temp/download"); while ( ($file=readdir($dir)) !== false ) { print("$file\n"); } closedir($dir); ?>
This script will print:
List of files: . .. todo.txt
⇒ Retrieving Directory Name from File Path Name in PHP
⇐ Putting Directory Entries into an Array in PHP
2016-11-20, 1588🔥, 0💬
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