Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Dump Everything from 'context.Request'
How to build a test service operation to dump everything from the "context.Request" object in the response in Azure API Policy?
If you want to build a test service operation to dump everything from the request to the response with an Azure API policy, you can follow this tutorial:
1. Go to the publisher portal and create a new service on Azure called "Test API" with these settings:
Web API URL: Web service URL:
2. Create a new operation in the service called "Dump Request" with these settings:
HTTP Verb: POST URL Template: /customers/{cid}/orders/{oid}/?date={date} Rewrite URL Template: /newLocation
3. Enter the following policy for this service operation:
<policies> <inbound> <base /> <rewrite-uri template="/newLocation" /> </inbound> <backend> <!-- no call to backend --> </backend> <outbound> <set-body>@{ var res = "Request Received:\n"; var api = context.Api; res = res + "context.Api.Name: "+api.Name+"\n"; res = res + "context.Api.Path: "+api.Path+"\n"; var url = context.Api.ServiceUrl; res = res + "context.Api.ServiceUrl.Scheme: "+url.Scheme+"\n"; res = res + "context.Api.ServiceUrl.Host: "+url.Host+"\n"; res = res + "context.Api.ServiceUrl.Port: "+url.Port+"\n"; res = res + "context.Api.ServiceUrl.Path: "+url.Path+"\n"; res = res + "context.Api.ServiceUrl.QueryString: "+url.QueryString+"\n"; var dirs = context.Api.ServiceUrl.Query; foreach (var ent in dirs) { res = res + "context.Api.ServiceUrl.Query['"+ent.Key+"']: "+ent.Value[0]+"\n"; } var req = context.Request; res = res + "context.Request.Method: "+req.Method+"\n"; res = res + "context.Request.IpAddress: "+req.IpAddress+"\n"; res = res + "context.Request.Method: "+req.Method+"\n"; url = context.Request.Url; res = res + "context.Request.Url.Scheme: "+url.Scheme+"\n"; res = res + "context.Request.Url.Host: "+url.Host+"\n"; res = res + "context.Request.Url.Port: "+url.Port+"\n"; res = res + "context.Request.Url.Path: "+url.Path+"\n"; res = res + "context.Request.Url.QueryString: "+url.QueryString+"\n"; dirs = context.Request.Url.Query; foreach (var ent in dirs) { res = res + "context.Request.Url.Query['"+ent.Key+"']: "+ent.Value[0]+"\n"; } url = context.Request.OriginalUrl; res = res + "context.Request.OriginalUrl.Scheme: "+url.Scheme+"\n"; res = res + "context.Request.OriginalUrl.Host: "+url.Host+"\n"; res = res + "context.Request.OriginalUrl.Port: "+url.Port+"\n"; res = res + "context.Request.OriginalUrl.Path: "+url.Path+"\n"; res = res + "context.Request.OriginalUrl.QueryString: "+url.QueryString+"\n"; dirs = context.Request.OriginalUrl.Query; foreach (var ent in dirs) { res = res + "context.Request.OriginalUrl.Query['"+ent.Key+"']: "+ent.Value[0]+"\n"; } dirs = context.Request.Headers; foreach (var ent in dirs) { res = res + "context.Request.Headers['"+ent.Key+"']: "+ent.Value[0]+"\n"; } var dir = context.Request.MatchedParameters; foreach (var ent in dir) { res = res + "context.Request.MatchedParameters['"+ent.Key+"']: "+ent.Value+"\n"; } return res; }</set-body> </outbound> <on-error> <base /> </on-error> </policies>
4. Publish this service on the portal.
HTTP Verb: POST URL Template: /customers/{cid}/orders/{oid}/?date={date} Rewrite URL Template: /newLocation
5. Go to the developer portal and try this service operation with the following:
You will see the following output:
Cache-Control: private X-Powered-By: ARR/3.0,ASP.NET Content-Length: 1469 Content-Language: en Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Request Received: context.Api.Name: Test API context.Api.Path: /test context.Api.ServiceUrl.Scheme: http context.Api.ServiceUrl.Host: context.Api.ServiceUrl.Port: 80 context.Api.ServiceUrl.Path: /api context.Api.ServiceUrl.QueryString: context.Request.Method: POST context.Request.IpAddress: xx.xx.xx.xx context.Request.Method: POST context.Request.Url.Scheme: http context.Request.Url.Host: context.Request.Url.Port: 80 context.Request.Url.Path: /test/newLocation context.Request.Url.QueryString: ?date=today&status=new context.Request.Url.Query['date']: today context.Request.Url.Query['status']: new context.Request.OriginalUrl.Scheme: http context.Request.OriginalUrl.Host: context.Request.OriginalUrl.Port: 80 context.Request.OriginalUrl.Path: /test/customers/101/orders/909/ context.Request.OriginalUrl.QueryString: ?date=today&status=new context.Request.OriginalUrl.Query['date']: today context.Request.OriginalUrl.Query['status']: new context.Request.Headers['Connection']: Keep-Alive context.Request.Headers['Content-Length']: 281 context.Request.Headers['Content-Type']: text/xml context.Request.Headers['Host']: context.Request.MatchedParameters['CID']: 101 context.Request.MatchedParameters['OID']: 909 context.Request.MatchedParameters['DATE']: today
⇒ Using .NET CLR Types in Azure API Policy
2018-01-24, 13🔥, 0💬
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