Atom "feed/entry" Element


What is the Atom "feed/entry" element?



The Atom "feed/entry" element presents a single Atom feed entry.

The Atom "feed/entry" element contains the following information:

  • id - REQUIRED. Specifies an identification that uniquely identifies this Atom feed entry. For example: <id></id>.
  • title - REQUIRED. Specifies the name of this Atom feed entry. For example: <title>Defining Functions in Python</title>.
  • published - REQUIRED. Specifies the date and time of this Atom feed entry was fist published in the ISO.8601 standard format. For example: <published>2023-12-13T18:30:02Z</published>.
  • updated - REQUIRED. Specifies the date and time of this Atom feed entry was last updated in the ISO.8601 standard format. For example: <updated>2023-12-13T18:30:02Z</updated>.
  • author - REQUIRED, unless the "feed" element or the "source" sub element has an "author" sub element. Specifies the profile of the author of this Atom feed entry. Multiple "author" sub elements are allowed. For example: <author><name>Mark Pilgrim</name></author>
  • summary - REQUIRED, unless the "content" sub element contains readable content. For example: <summary>Where to find tutorials in Defining Functions in Python?</summary>.
  • link - REQUIRED, unless this entry has the "content" sub element. Specifies URLs to retrieve content of this Atom feed entry and other related resources. Multiple "link" sub elements are allowed. For example: <link rel="alternate"></link>.
  • source - OPTIONAL. Specifies a source Atom feed from which this Atom feed is copied. For example: <source><id>...</id><title>...</title><link>...</link></source>.
  • content - OPTIONAL. Specifies the content of this Atom feed entry in text, HTML, XHTML, or other format. For example: <content type="xhtml"><p>This is the entry content.</p></content>.
  • category - OPTIONAL. Specifies a category that this Atom feed entry belongs to. Multiple "category" sub elements are allowed. For example: <category term="Programming"/>
  • rights - OPTIONAL. Specifies copyright notice for this Atom feed entry. For example: <rights>Copyright (c) 2017</rights>.
  • contributor - OPTIONAL. Specifies the profile of a contributor of this Atom feed entry. Multiple "contributor" sub elements are allowed. For example: <contributor><name>John Doe</name></author>


Atom "feed/entry/link" Element

Atom "feed/category" Element

Atom Specification - RFC 4287

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2018-01-06, 2033🔥, 0💬