Create "Add to My Yahoo" Button


How To Create an "Add to My Yahoo" Button on Your Website?



If you want to create an "Add to My Yahoo" button your own Web site, you can follow this tutorial:

1. Create an RSS Atom 1.0 feed file for your site, and make it accessible with a URL. If the feed file is generated dynamically, take the URL of the script that generates the feed file. For example, this site uses an Atom 1.0 feed file at this URL: "".

2. Take this "Add to My Yahoo" image file and upload it to your site:

Add to My Yahoo Icon
Add to My Yahoo Icon

3. Modify the following HTML code and put it into your Web pages:

<a href="">
<img border="0" src="/Add-To-My-Yahoo-Icon.gif"
 alt="Add to MyYahoo!"></a>


Create "Add to Bloglines" Button

Create "Add to Google Reader" Button

RSS and Atom Readers and Aggregators

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2017-09-24, 1681🔥, 0💬