What Is EPUB File Structure


What Is the EPUB file structure?

✍: FYIcenter.com


An EPUB file is actually a ZIP archive file that contains the following types of files in sub-folders:

  • HTML, image and audio files for book contents.
  • CSS files for presentation.
  • OPF files for book structure and navigations.
  • Other resource and meta files.

Here is a list of files and sub-folders in a very simple EPUB file:

|-- mimetype
|-- package.opf
|-- content.xhtml
|-- navigation.xhtml
    |-- container.xml

EPUB specification is developed by the W3C EPUB 3 Community Group. Here is a list of EPUB versions and their release dates:

Version      Release Date
----------   ------------
EPUB 3.3     Draft
EPUB 3.2     May  8, 2019
EPUB 3.1     Jan 25, 2017
EPUB 3.0.1   2014
EPUB 3.0     Oct 11, 2011
EPUB 2.0     2007


What Is OPF

What Is EPUB

Introduction to EPUB

⇑⇑ EPUB Tutorials

2022-07-26, 1710🔥, 0💬