Sending an HTTP Request with 'requests'


How to send an HTTP request? I have the "requests" module installed now.



The "requests" module provides 6 static functions to support 6 HTTP request types:

>>> r = requests.get(url)
>>> r =, data = {'key':'value'})
>>> r = requests.put(url, data = {'key':'value'})
>>> r = requests.delete(url)
>>> r = requests.head(url)
>>> r = requests.options(url)

All 6 functions return a requests.models.Response object.

You can convert the body of the Response object to a "dict" object using the instance function json():

>>> j = r.json()

Here is a Python example on how to send a GET request and print the response body in JSON format:

>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> j = r.json()
>>> print(j)
{'args': {}, 
 'headers': {'Accept': '*/*', 
  'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 
  'Connection': 'close', 
  'Host': '', 
  'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.19.1'
 'url': ''


requests.models.Response Objects

Installing 'requests' Module

'requests' Module - HTTP for Humans

⇑⇑ Python Tutorials

2018-09-01, 1791🔥, 0💬