OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow


What is the authentication code flow specified in OpenID Connect?



The Authorization Code Flow is most secure authentication flow specified in OpenID Connect. Here are the steps of the Authorization Code flow given in the OpenID Connect 1.0 specification:

  • Rely Party prepares an authentication request containing the desired request parameters.
  • User Agent sends the request to the OpenID Provider.
  • OpenID Provider authenticates the End User.
  • OpenID Provider obtains End User's consent to release information to the Rely Party.
  • OpenID Provider sends the User Agent back an authorization code.
  • Rely Party sends a token request using the authorization code to the OpenID Provider.
  • OpenID Provider sends an ID Token and Access Token back to the Rely Party.
  • OpenID Provider validates the ID Token and Access Token, then lets the End User to access Rely Party's application.


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What Are Authentication Flows

OpenID Connect Authentication Flows

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