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Requirements for Google OpenID Connect Integration
What are requirements for OpenID Connect Integration?
If you want to integrate your application with Google OpenID Connect interface,
you need to prepare the following:
You need a Google account. A Gmail account is good enough.
Register your application as a client application project in your Google account. This will return you a "Client ID" and a "Client Secret".
Register one or more "Authorized Redirect URIs" in your application project. An "Authorized Redirect URI" represents script on your Web server to process authentication responses.
Decide which integration flow to implement: Implicit flow and/or authentication code flow.
Pickup integration endpoints:
For more information, see OpenID Connect Google article.
⇒ Application Registration for Google OpenID
⇐ Google OpenID Connect Integration
2021-03-21, 1355🔥, 0💬
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