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Google OpenID Authentication Request Test
How to build a Google OpenID Authentication Request Test page?
The Authentication Request is the first call to the Google OpenID Connect service. You can build a simple Web form page to test different behavior of the Authentication Request.
Here is an example, Google-OpenID-Authentication-Request-Test.html:
<html><body><h3>Google OpenID Connect Test Request Example</h3> <form method="GET" action=""> client_id: <input size="80" name="client_id" value=""><br/> response_type: <input size="10" name="response_type" value="id_token"><br/> scope: <input size="10" name="scope" value="openid email"><br/> redirect_uri: <input size="80" name="redirect_uri" value=""><br/> nonce: <input size="10" name="nonce" value="1234567"><br/> state: <input size="10" name="state" value="7654321"><br/> <br/> <input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"><br/> </form> </body></html>
Upload this page to your Web server, and view it from a Web browser, you see the test form displayed:
You can enter your own client_id, redirect_uri and other parameters to try it.
⇒ Capture Google OpenID Connect Authentication Response
⇐ Authentication Response Received from Google OpenID Connect
2022-04-13, 1508🔥, 0💬
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