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Validate Google OpenID Connect id_token Signature
How to validate the id_token signature received from Google OpenID Connect authentication response?
You can try to validate the "id_token" signature with your own code logic in these steps:
1. Take out the "kid" value from "Header" component of the "id_token". This will be used to identify the public key Google OpenID Connect service used to sign the "id_token". The "kid" value is replacing the "x5t" value. So stop using the "x5t" value.
Header = Header = { "alg": "RS256", "kid": "08d3245c62f86b6362afcbbffe1d069826dd1dc1", "typ": "JWT" }
2. Get certificates of all Google public keys from This URL is included in the metadata document in your application registration.
{ "b15a2b8f7a6b3f6bc08bc1c56a88410e146d01fd": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDJjCCAg6gAwIBAgIIM7dsQ7..." "08d3245c62f86b6362afcbbffe1d069826dd1dc1": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDJjCCAg6gAwIBAgIIGGqu9B..." }
3. Find the certificate of the public key that matches the "kid" value from the id_token.
4. Validate the "Signature" component of the "id_token" with this public key certificate.
⇒ Google OpenID Connect Access Token Request
⇐ Validate Google OpenID Connect id_token
2019-02-05, 1658🔥, 0💬
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