Process Google OpenID Connect Access Token Request


How to the Google OpenID Connect access token Request is process by Google OpenID Connect service?



When Google OpenID Connect service receives an access token Request from a Web server, it will:

  • Verify if the "client_id" value in the request is valid. If not, display an error message page to the end user.
  • Take the "code" value from the request to match an existing authentication code that has been issued previously and saved in memory.
  • Returns an error message, if no match found.
  • Returns an error message, if the "code" is matched, but it has been returned already.
  • Returns an error message, if the "code" is matched, but it has been expired now.
  • Returns a JSON message including the "id_token" that was saved with the matched "code".


Access Token Response Received from Google OpenID Connect

Initiate Google OpenID Connect Access Token Request

Google OpenID Connect Integration

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2019-02-05, 1474🔥, 0💬