Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Build Authorization Code Flow with Google OpenID Connect
How to implement the OpenID Authorization Code Flow with Google OpenID Connect service?
If you want to implement the OpenID Authorization Code Flow (also called the Server Flow)
in your Web application to use Google OpenID Connect service,
you should follow these steps:
1. Building the Google OpenID Connect Sign-on authentication request:
2. Triggering the end user browser to fire the authentication request to
3. Letting the end user sign on to the Active Directory - This is controlled by the Google OpenID Connect service. Your application is not involved in this step.
4. Validating the authentication response:
5. Building the Google OpenID Connect access token request:
6. Calling the access token request to with the POST method.
7. Validating the access token response:
5. Letting the end user to use your application:
Here is a diagram that shows the Google OpenID Connect OpenID Authentication Code Flow:
⇒ Integration with Azure Active Directory
⇐ Google OpenID Connect Access Token Request Test Page
2022-02-04, 1431🔥, 0💬
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