Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Azure AD v2 id_token Is Smaller
Where Azure AD v2.0 id_token is smaller than v1.0?
Azure AD v2.0 id_token is smaller than v1.0, because
the number of default claims (properties) are reduced in Azure AD v2.0 id_tokens
as shown in the table below:
Azure AD v2.0 Azure AD v1.0 ver=2.0 ver=1.0 rh iss iss sub sub aud aud exp exp iat iat nbf nbf oid oid tid tid aio aio amr idp uti name nonce email ipaddr The IP address the client logged in from. given_name family_name unique_name preferred_username
See the next tutorial on how to add additional claims into Azure AD 2.0 id_tokens.
⇒ Adding Claims in Azure AD v2 id_token
2019-04-03, 1384🔥, 0💬
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