Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Interfaces to Communicate with Ledger Peer
Where to find tutorials on Interfaces to Communicate with Ledger Peer?
Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions
compiled by team
on Interfaces to Communicate with Ledger Peer.
Main Interfaces to Communicate with Ledger Peer
Download and Install Golang SDK
Node.js SDK and Client Application
FabricCAServices Node.js Class
.js - Sign in to CA Server
wallet-import.js - Import Keys to Wallet
register-user.js - Register New User
evaluate-transaction.js - Evaluate Chaincode Transaction
submit-transaction.js - Submit Chaincode Transaction
Differences of evaluateTransaction() and submitTransaction()
⇒ Main Interfaces to Communicate with Ledger Peer
2020-01-29, 1112🔥, 0💬
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