Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Hyperledger Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on Hyperledger? I want to know how to create Hyperledger applications.
Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by team about Hyperledger:
Hyperledger Fabric Environment on Ubuntu
Hyperledger Fabric Environment Requirement
Install Hyperledger Fabric Prerequisites on Ubuntu
Verify Docker Engine on Ubuntu
Build and Run "Hello" Go Program
Download Hyperledger Fabric Source Code
Build Hyperledger Fabric from Source Code
BYFN (Build Your First Network)
"first-network" - Building Your First Network
" generate" - Generate BYFN Configuration
" up" - Start Up BYFN Network
" down" - Shut Down BYFN Network
" up" Error - Container Name in Use
BYFN Containers Running on Docker
Build the BYFN Network Manually
BYFN crypto-config.yaml Configuration File
"cryptogen" Command - Generate Keys and Certificates
BYFN configtx.yaml Configuration File
"configtxgen" Command - Build genesis.block
"configtxgen" Command - Build channel.tx
"configtxgen" Command - Build *MSPanchors.tx
BYFN docker-compose-cli.yaml Configuration File
"docker-compose up" Command - Start the Network
"docker start/stop" - Start and Stop Docker Containers
"docker exec -it cli bash" - BYFN CLI Shell
BYFN CLI Container "peer" Command
BYFN CLI Container Missing Admin Certificates
BYFN Error - "unable to bootstrap orderer"
CORE_PEER_* Environment Variables on BYFN CLI
Join Peer to BYFN Network Channel
Switch Default Peer on BYFN CLI Container
Update Anchor Peer of Each BYFN Organization
BYFN Chaincode - chaincode_example02.go
Install Chaincode on BYFN Peers
Instantiate Chaincode on BYFN Channel
Query Chaincode Property on BYFN Channel
Invoke Chaincode Transaction on BYFN Channel
BYFN CLI "peer" Command Prefix
Incompatible Chaincode on BYFN Peers
BYFN Chaincode Docker Container
Uninstall Chaincode on BYFN Peers
Upgrade Chaincode Instance on BYFN
Remove Older Versions Chaincode Containers
"peer chaincode invoke" on BYFN
Hyperledger Fabric Docker Containers
Types of Hyperledger Fabric Docker Containers
Peer Containers Not Joined to Channel
Invoke Operation on Chaincode Container
CouchDB Container Used in Hyperledger Fabric
Peer and CouchDB Container Dependency
Query CouchDB Container API Directly
CouchDB Server Admin Web Portal
Switch Default Peer with Scripts
Not All Member Peers Run Chaincode
Impact of Stopping Chaincode Container
Auto-Start of Required Chaincode Container
Blockchain Data Files on Peer Container
What Is basic-network Sample Network - Start basic-network - Teardown basic-network
"docker rmi" - Remove Docker Images
Reinstall basic-network with Latest Images
Container Network - "net_basic"
View Logs Files of basic-network
Download Blocks from Blockchain
Check "couchdb" Database Server
Deploy Manually
Deploy Manually
Deploy Manually
WYFA (Writing Your First Application)
Clean Up Docker Engine for WYFA
Reinstall Chaincode on WYFA Network
"fabric-nodeenv:latest not found" Error
fabcar.go - The "fabcar" Chaincode
Interact with "fabcar" Chaincode on CLI
Verify Blockchain on the Channel
blockfile_000000 - Blockfiles of Blockchain
Reinstall npm with Node Version Manager
Reinstall Node.js Required Modules
enrollAdmin.js - Enroll Admin to
commercial-paper Sample Network
Objectives of commercial-paper Tutorials
Start basic-network for PaperNet
Start CLI Container for MagnetoCorp Admin
papercontract.js - PaperNet Chaincode (Smart Contract)
Install PaperNet Chaincode (Smart Contract)
Instantiate PaperNet Chaincode (Smart Contract)
Install Node.js Application Dependencies
Prepare User Identity for Isabella
Create Identity Wallet for Isabella
issue.js - Application to Issue New Paper
See New Paper on CouchDB Server
Start CLI Container for DigiBank Admin
Create Identity Wallet for Balaji
Simplest Hyperledger Fabric Network
Two-Organization Hyperledger Fabric Network
Hyperledger Fabric Process Flow
Interfaces to Communicate with Ledger Peer
Main Interfaces to Communicate with Ledger Peer
Download and Install Golang SDK
Node.js SDK and Client Application
FabricCAServices Node.js Class
.js - Sign in to CA Server
wallet-import.js - Import Keys to Wallet
register-user.js - Register New User
evaluate-transaction.js - Evaluate Chaincode Transaction
submit-transaction.js - Submit Chaincode Transaction
Differences of evaluateTransaction() and submitTransaction()
Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)
What Is Fabric CA (Certificate Authority)
Fabric CA Integration with Fabric Peers
Fabric Network without CA Server
Requirements for Fabric CA Server and Client
Install Fabric CA Server and Client
Start Fabric CA Server Natively
Enroll Fabric CA Client Admin Identity
"fabric-ca-client enroll" Error - "Failed to insert"
"fabric-ca-client certificate list" - List Certificates
"fabric-ca-client identity list" - List Identities
Requirements for Registering New Identities
"fabric-ca-client register" - Register Second Admin
Second Admin Enroll to Create Wallet
Setting Up Orderer Peer Manually
Steps of Setting Up Orderer Peer
Pull Hyperledger Fabric Orderer Image
Create Orderer Organization Definition
orderer.yaml - Orderer Peer Configuration File
Generate Genesis Block for Orderer
docker-compose-orderer.yaml - Docker Configuration
"docker-compose" - Deploy Orderer to Docker
"could not load a valid signer certificate" Error
Default orderer.yaml in Orderer Docker Image
Deploy Orderer with Default Configuration
Setting Up Ledger Peer Manually
Steps of Setting Up Ledger Peer
Pull Hyperledger Fabric Peer Image
Deploy Peer with Default Configuration
Default core.yaml in Peer Docker Image
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2019-04-19, 2103🔥, 0💬
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