Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Watch "orderer" Container Log
How to watch the log file of the "orderer" Container?
The "orderer" Container plays an important role in a Hyperledger Fabric network. You can follow this tutorial to watch its log file:
1. Set up a new terminal on the hosting system to follow the log file of the "orderer" container:
$ docker logs -f [localconfig] completeInitialization -> INFO 001 Kafka.Version unset, setting to [orderer.common.server] prettyPrintStruct -> INFO 002 Orderer config values: General.LedgerType = "file" General.ListenAddress = "" General.ListenPort = 7050 General.TLS.Enabled = true General.TLS.PrivateKey = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/server.key" General.TLS.Certificate = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/server.crt" General.TLS.RootCAs = [/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/ca.crt] ... [orderer.common.broadcast] Handle -> WARN 032 Error reading from \ rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 033 streaming call completed \ grpc.service=orderer.AtomicBroadcast \ grpc.method=Broadcast grpc.peer_address= \ error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" \ grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=1m31.930790373s
2. Use another terminal to query the chaincode:
$ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# peer chaincode query -C mychannel -n mycc -c '{"Args":["query","a"]}' 90
No new message printed on the orderer log window.
3. Use another terminal to invoke the chaincode:
bash-4.4# peer chaincode invoke -o --tls true \ --cafile /opt/gopath/src/\ /ordererOrganizations/\ /tlscacerts/ -C mychannel -n mycc \ --peerAddresses --tlsRootCertFiles \ /opt/gopath/src/\ / \ --peerAddresses --tlsRootCertFiles \ /opt/gopath/src/\ / \ -c '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}' [chaincodeCmd] chaincodeInvokeOrQuery -> INFO 001 Chaincode invoke successful. result: status:200
Two new messages printed on the orderer log window, one warning and one information:
[orderer.common.broadcast] Handle -> WARN 034 Error reading from \ rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 035 streaming call completed \ grpc.service=orderer.AtomicBroadcast grpc.method=Broadcast \ grpc.peer_address= error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" \ grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=64.329479ms
⇐ Types of Hyperledger Fabric Docker Containers
2020-07-07, 1537🔥, 0💬
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