Inspect Transaction Blocks of Channel Blockchain


How to Inspect Transaction Blocks of Channel Blockchain?



You can follow this tutorial to Inspect Transaction Blocks of Channel Blockchain.

1. Connect to the CLI container of the Hyperledger Fabric network:

$ docker exec -it cli bash

2. Download (fetch) the newest block from "mychannel" channel:

bash-4.4# peer channel fetch newest newest.block -c mychannel
[channelCmd] InitCmdFactory -> INFO 001 Endorser and orderer connections initialized
[cli.common] readBlock -> INFO 002 Received block: 5

bash-4.4# ls -l
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          4921 Apr  1 18:00 newest.block

3. Parse the transaction block into JSON format:

bash-4.4# configtxgen -inspectBlock newest.block > newest.json

bash-4.4# ls -l
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          4921 Apr  13 18:00 newest.block
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         10335 Apr  13 18:12 newest.json

4. Copy the block file to the hosting system:

bash-4.4# exit

$ docker cp cli:/root/newest.json ./

$ more newest.json
 "header": {
  "data_hash": "CAQ4AibIu3ZjBx8reigN7LlLAh9f/qutxcmAyb/VH+w=",
  "number": "5",
  "previous_hash": "KDjkXFvRJAcYTp2ralLNhMAD3eZc0LxfQyHr9DZgl0M="
 "metadata": {
  "metadata": [
 "data": {
  "data": [
    "payload": {
     "data": {
      "actions": [
        "header": {
         "creator": {
          "id_bytes": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUNLekNDQWRHZ...",
          "mspid": "Org1MSP"
         "nonce": "rFGfK1lB88EcQWB0hESLUSB7Zj6TWN46"
        "payload": {
         "action": {
          "endorsements": [
            "endorser": "CgdPcmcxTVNQEqoGLS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0...",
            "signature": "MEUCIQCCIuRNJeN0K9EDbJDBUYvp7Np6563cF7xUJAEqT40k6g..."
            "endorser": "CgdPcmcyTVNQEqoGLS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0...",
            "signature": "MEUCIQD43zSLDZKiTPDs62s5bJLJKn3UpTYX95EnW/0gkJg5Lg..."
          "proposal_response_payload": {
           "extension": {
            "chaincode_id": {
             "name": "mycc",
             "path": "",
             "version": "2.0"
            "events": null,
            "response": {
             "message": "",
             "payload": null,
             "status": 200
            "results": {
             "data_model": "KV",
             "ns_rwset": [
               "collection_hashed_rwset": [],
               "namespace": "_lifecycle",
               "rwset": {
                "metadata_writes": [],
                "range_queries_info": [],
                "reads": [
                  "key": "namespaces/fields/mycc/Sequence",
                  "version": null
               "collection_hashed_rwset": [],
               "namespace": "lscc",
               "rwset": {
                "metadata_writes": [],
                "range_queries_info": [],
                "reads": [
                  "key": "mycc",
                  "version": {
                   "block_num": "4",
                   "tx_num": "0"
               "collection_hashed_rwset": [],
               "namespace": "mycc",
               "rwset": {
                "metadata_writes": [],
                "range_queries_info": [],
                "reads": [
                  "key": "a",
                  "version": {
                   "block_num": "4",
                   "tx_num": "0"
                  "key": "b",
                  "version": {
                   "block_num": "4",
                   "tx_num": "0"
                "writes": [
                  "is_delete": false,
                  "key": "a",
                  "value": "OTA="
                  "is_delete": false,
                  "key": "b",
                  "value": "MjEw"
           "proposal_hash": "BgCskXWBzaoywJXSkAMOLyO8jLNeTKepYNBz9Db+XN4="
         "chaincode_proposal_payload": {
          "input": {
           "chaincode_spec": {
            "chaincode_id": {
             "name": "mycc",
             "path": "",
             "version": ""
            "input": {
             "args": [
             "is_init": false
            "timeout": 0,
            "type": "GOLANG"
     "header": {
      "channel_header": {
       "channel_id": "mychannel",
       "epoch": "0",
       "extension": "EgYSBG15Y2M=",
       "timestamp": "2019-04-01T14:44:32.649599656Z",
       "tls_cert_hash": null,
       "tx_id": "e6f391c8ec768f93746c5594981acffc9ce85d33d3c60856138527ccf91ce20a",
       "type": 3,
       "version": 0
      "signature_header": {
       "creator": {
        "id_bytes": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUNLekNDQWRHZ0F...",
        "mspid": "Org1MSP"
       "nonce": "rFGfK1lB88EcQWB0hESLUSB7Zj6TWN46"
    "signature": "MEQCIBzWy9jPYAaDv0cgIOSEWwH1EGwFJOjMOBJUb+W/kjmjAiAsOIn+Uw..."


Hyperledger Fabric Docker Containers

View Channel Blockchain and Download Blocks

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