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Default orderer.yaml in Orderer Docker Image
What is the Default orderer.yaml file in Orderer Docker Image?
The default orderer.yaml file in the Orderer Docker Image is the default version of orderer.yaml, which provides settings to control the behavior of the Orderer peer.
If you deploy the Orderer Docker container without your own version of orderer.yaml, the default version in the Orderer Docker image will be used.
Here is how to view the default orderer.yaml file in the Orderer Docker image after it's been deployed to the Orderer Docker container:
1. Attach a "bash" shell to the Orderer Docker container:
$ docker exec -it bash root@552c40a524aa:/opt/gopath/src/ cd root@552c40a524aa:~# pwd /root
2. View the default orderer.yaml file:
root@552c40a524aa:~# more /etc/hyperledger/fabric/orderer.yaml # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved. --- # Orderer Configuration General: LedgerType: file ListenAddress: ListenPort: 7050 TLS: Enabled: false Keepalive: ServerMinInterval: 60s ServerInterval: 7200s ServerTimeout: 20s Cluster: GenesisMethod: provisional GenesisProfile: SampleInsecureSolo GenesisFile: genesisblock LocalMSPDir: msp LocalMSPID: SampleOrg ...
You can also override any settings in the orderer.yaml file by using environment variables included in the docker-compose.orderer.yaml file.
For example, we changed the "GenesisMethod" setting from "provisional" to "file" by the following settings in the docker-compose.orderer.yaml file:
$ cd fabric-orderer $ more docker-compose-orderer.yaml: # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved. version: '2' volumes: networks: hello: services: networks: - hello container_name: image: hyperledger/fabric-orderer:amd64-1.4.0 environment: - FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC=INFO - ORDERER_GENERAL_LISTENADDRESS= - ORDERER_GENERAL_GENESISMETHOD=file - ORDERER_GENERAL_GENESISFILE=/var/hyperledger/orderer/orderer.genesis.block ...
As you can see, Fabric Orderer is designed with a very flexible configuration mechanism.
⇒ Deploy Orderer with Default Configuration
⇐ "could not load a valid signer certificate" Error
2019-08-23, 1263🔥, 0💬
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