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Switch Default Peer with Scripts
How to Switch Default Peer on the CLI container with Scripts? I am tired of typing those 4 CORE_PEER_* export commands.
From previous tutorial, we know that we need to type in export commands to set 4 CORE_PEER_* environment variables. But you can also put them into shell scripts and run them whenever needed.
1. Connect to the CLI container:
$ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4#
2. Create a script file for peer0.org1:
bash-4.4# vi export export CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/opt/gopath/src/\ /fabric/peer/crypto/peerOrganizations/\ / export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=/opt/gopath/src/\ /fabric/peer/crypto/peerOrganizations/\ / bash-4.4# chmod 711
3. Create script files for peer1.org1, peer0.org2, and peer1.org2 in the same as step 2.
4. Run a script file with "source" command and test it:
bash-4.4# source bash-4.4# echo $CORE_PEER_ADDRESS bash-4.4# peer node status status:STARTED
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