Remove Log Files of Docker Container


How to remove log files of a Docker container?



If you keep a Docker container running for many days, it will generate many log files on your hosting system.

You can follow this tutorial to remove old log files of a Docker container.

1. Get the container ID of "" container:

$ docker inspect

        "Id": "b812096b622be73f9bdbe0f096b9957e37a53c50746c75952a0b686cee928a19",
        "Created": "2019-04-01T01:09:49.607879144Z",
        "Path": "peer",
        "Args": [
        "State": {
            "Status": "running",
            "Running": true,

2. List the container log file directory:

$ sudo ls -l /var/lib/docker/containers/b812096b622be73f9bdbe0f096b9957e37a53c50746c75952a0b686cee928a19

-rw-r----- 1 56288 Apr  14 17:45 b812096b622be73f9bdbe0f096b9957e37a53c50746c75952a0b686cee928a19-json.log
drwx------ 2  4096 Apr  14 01:09 checkpoints
-rw------- 1  6788 Apr  14 01:10 config.v2.json
-rw-r--r-- 1  1968 Apr  14 01:10 hostconfig.json
-rw-r--r-- 1    13 Apr  14 01:09 hostname
-rw-r--r-- 1   176 Apr  14 01:09 hosts
drwx------ 3  4096 Apr  14 01:09 mounts
-rw-r--r-- 1    97 Apr  14 01:09 resolv.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1    71 Apr  14 01:09 resolv.conf.hash

3. Truncate the log file to 1 KB, if it is getting too big:

sudo truncate -s 1K /var/lib/docker/containers/b812096b622be73f9bdbe0f096b9957e37a53c50746c75952a0b686cee928a19\


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