Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Second Admin Enroll to Create Wallet
How can the second admin create his/her own certificate and save it in a wallet?
You need to pass the identity name and password of "admin2" and "WSATRHlgxxnk" to the second admin to create his/her own certificate and save it in a wallet.
1. Pass identity "admin2" and "WSATRHlgxxnk" to Amy.
2. Amy installs Fabric CA Client and run "fabric-ca-client enroll" command:
$ export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/fabric-ca/native-client/amy $ cd ~/fabric-ca/native-client/amy $ ~/go/bin/fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://admin2:WSATRHlgxxnk@localhost:7054 [INFO] Created a default configuration file at ./fabric-ca-client-config.yaml [INFO] generating key: &{A:ecdsa S:256} [INFO] encoded CSR [INFO] signed certificate with serial number 497183575063526499977106891241978927849496353524 [INFO] POST /enroll 201 0 "OK" [INFO] Stored client certificate at ./msp/signcerts/cert.pem [INFO] Stored root CA certificate at ./msp/cacerts/localhost-7054.pem [INFO] Stored Issuer public key at ./msp/IssuerPublicKey [INFO] Stored Issuer revocation public key at ./msp/IssuerRevocationPublicKey
3. Amy checks her certificate:
$ ~/go/bin/fabric-ca-client certificate list Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 22673016... (0x27b6eea6...) Signature Algorithm: ECDSA-SHA256 Issuer: C=US,ST=North Carolina,O=Hyperledger,OU=Fabric,CN=fabric-ca-server Subject: C=US,ST=North Carolina,O=Hyperledger,OU=client,OU=org1,\ OU=department1,CN=admin2 Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: ECDSA Public-Key: (256 bit) X: 69:98:1b:b0:c5:0f:ba:71:88:e3:95:1a:d6:10:d4: 69:b6:9d:2b:d4:e6:78:dc:49:ac:2b:46:4e:55:50: a1:1b Y: db:fa:4e:37:d2:a3:fb:cf:dc:fc:de:01:df:28:e4: 72:23:b5:ef:da:b7:9b:36:c7:dc:ea:d5:49:96:2d: dc:83 Curve: P-256 ...
4. Amy tries to list all identities:
$ ~/go/bin/fabric-ca-client identity list [INFO] GET /identities 403 42 "'admin2' is not a registrar" Error: &{Code:71 Message:Authorization failure}
As you can see, Amy, as "admin2", got her certificate in her wallet. But her identity does not have permission to list all identities.
⇒ Register Identity of "user" Type
⇐ "fabric-ca-client register" - Register Second Admin
2019-09-16, 1197🔥, 0💬
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