Build the BYFN Network Manually


How to build the BYFN (Build Your First Network) manually?



You build the BYFN network automatically with the "./ up" script command. But if you want to learn how to build it manually, you need to complete the following steps:

1. Review and revise crypto-config.yaml configuration file, which control how to generate private keys and public certificates for network entities: order and peer organizations.

2. Generate private keys and public certificates based on crypto-config.yaml configuration file with the "cryptogen" command.

3. Review and revise configtx.yaml configuration file, which control how the BYFN network should be created.

4. Create genesis block and transaction messages for bootstrapping the BYFN network based on configtx.yaml configuration file with the "configtxgen" command.

5. Review and revise docker-compose-cli.yaml configuration file, which defines Docker containers to run the BYFN network.

6. Start BYFN network containers on the Docker Engine based on docker-compose-cli.yaml configuration file and using the "docker-compose up" command.

7. Create the channel block from the "channel.tx" file using the "peer channel create" command on the CLI Docker container.

8. Join peers to the channel with the channel block using the "peer channel join" command on the CLI Docker container.

9. Update the anchor peer in each organization with the *MSPanchors.tx file using the "peer channel update" command on the CLI Docker container.

10. Install chaincode on each peer using the "peer chaincode install" command on the CLI Docker container.

11. Instantiate chaincode on the channel using the "peer chaincode instantiate " command on the CLI Docker container.


BYFN crypto-config.yaml Configuration File

BYFN Containers Running on Docker

BYFN (Build Your First Network)

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2020-10-26, 1008🔥, 0💬