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ENTRYPOINT [...] - Specify Entrypoint Executable
How to specify the executable program to the ENTRYPOINT instruction in DockerFile?
The ENTRYPOINT instruction has two different syntax formats.
1. Executable Program Format - Executable Program Format allows you to specify the path name of an executable program file and its parameters in a JSON array format.
ENTRYPOINT ["executable", "param1", "param2", ...]
2. Shell Command Format - Shell Command Format allows you to specify the name of a shell command and its parameters in a command line format.
ENTRYPOINT command param1 param2 ...
When you use the Shell Command Format, the specified command will be executed using "/bin/sh -c" as the actual executable program. For example:
If you specify the following in the Dockerfile: ENTRYPOINT echo Hello! The container will start with: /bin/sh -c 'echo Hello!'
So it's better to use Executable Program Format, which gives you more direct control.
⇒ Build "sleep" Image from Alpine
⇐ Build "hello" Image from Alpine
2019-02-09, 1238🔥, 0💬
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