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Requirements to Python Hello Website Image
What are the requirements to build a Hello Website Docker image using the Python base image?
If you want to build simple Hello Website Docker image using a Python script, you need to prepare the following required files.
1. Create the Hello Website Python script.
fyicenter$ mkdir python fyicenter$ cd python fyicenter$ vi from flask import Flask from redis import Redis, RedisError import os import socket # Connect to Redis redis = Redis(host="redis", db=0, socket_connect_timeout=2, socket_timeout=2) app = Flask(Docker Container Platform - Tutorials) @app.route("/") def hello(): try: visits = redis.incr("counter") except RedisError: visits = "<i>cannot connect to Redis, counter disabled</i>" html = "<h3>Hello {name}!</h3>" \ "<b>Hostname:</b> {hostname}<br/>" \ "<b>Visits:</b> {visits}" return html.format(name=os.getenv("NAME", "world"), hostname=socket.gethostname(), visits=visits) if Docker Container Platform - Tutorials == "__main__":'', port=80)
2. Create a text file, package.lst, to hold the required Python package names.
fyicenter$ vi package.lst Flask Redis
3. Create the Dockerfile.
fyicenter$ vi Dockerfile # Use an official Python runtime as a parent image FROM python # Set the working directory to /app WORKDIR /app # Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app COPY . /app # Install required packages RUN pip install --trusted-host -r package.lst # Make port 80 available to the world outside this container EXPOSE 80 # Define environment variable ENV NAME World # Run the Python script when the container launches CMD ["python", ""]
As you can see, we provided in the following instructions in the Dockerfile:
See next tutorial to build a new Docker image using this Docker file.
⇒ Build and Run Python Hello Website Image
⇐ "python" - Python Docker Image
2020-08-25, 1206🔥, 0💬
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