"docker container run --name" - Run Container with Name


How to create a new container with a given name and run the default command from an image with "docker container run --name" command?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you want to create a new container with a given name from an image, and start the container with the default command in one step, you can use the "docker container run --name" command.

1. Get the image name with the "docker image list" command.

fyicenter$ docker image list | grep hello-world

hello-world  latest  fce289e99eb9  4 months ago        1.84kB

2. Create a new container with a given name and start it with its default command.

fyicenter$ docker container run --name hello hello-world

Hello from Docker!

2. Create a new container with another name and start it with its default command.

fyicenter$ docker container run --name hello_again hello-world

Hello from Docker!

3. List containers from the "hello-world" image.

fyicenter$ docker container list --all

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE        COMMAND   CREATED         STATUS                     NAMES
e2401260165d  hello-world  "/hello"  54 seconds ago  Exited (0) 46 seconds ago  hello_again
2c513219b727  hello-world  "/hello"  2 minutes ago   Exited (0) 2 minute ago    hello

As you can see, we are able to create and start a container with each "docker container run --name" command. But if you continue to use the command, more container will be created. So it's probably better to use the "docker container create" and "docker container start" commands to avoid multiple containers.


"docker container logs" - Fetch Logs

"docker container run" - Create and Run Container

"docker container ..." Commands

⇑⇑ Docker Container Platform - Tutorials

2021-10-02, 1414🔥, 0💬