"docker search" - Search Images from Docker Hub


How to Search for Docker Images from Docker Hub with keywords using the "docker search" command?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you want pull a Docker image from Docker hub, but you don't know the exact image name, you can use the "docker search" command to find it with a given keyword.

1. Search Docker images for Python language platforms:

fyicenter$ docker search python
NAME            DESCRIPTION                                   STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED
python          Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec… 4488  [OK]     
django          Django is a free web application framework, … 873   [OK]     
pypy            PyPy is a fast, compliant alternative implem… 205   [OK]     
kaggle/python   Docker image for Python scripts run on Kaggle 128            [OK]
arm32v7/python  Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec… 38             
circleci/python Python is an interpreted, interactive, objec… 32    

2. Search Docker images for Java language platforms:

fyicenter$ docker search java
NAME            DESCRIPTION                                   STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED
node            Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform for s… 7855  [OK]    
tomcat          Apache Tomcat is an open source implementati… 2513  [OK]    
java            Java is a concurrent, class-based, and objec… 1976  [OK]    
openjdk         OpenJDK is an open-source implementation of … 1874  [OK]    
ghost           Ghost is a free and open source blogging pla… 1026  [OK]    
jetty           Jetty provides a Web server and javax.servle… 313   [OK]    
couchdb         CouchDB is a database that uses JSON for doc… 298   [OK]    
groovy          Apache Groovy is a multi-faceted language fo… 77    [OK]    


Alpine Linux Docker Image

"docker image pull" - Pull Image

"docker image ..." Commands

⇑⇑ Docker Container Platform - Tutorials

2021-08-13, 1411🔥, 0💬