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What Is Python Module 're'
What Is Python module "re"?
"re" is a Python internal module that
provides regular expression matching and replacement operations similar
to those found in Perl.
Here are some important properties and functions provided by the "re" module:
>>> import re >>> # searches for the first match of a regular expression >>> re.match() # matches the string at the beginning with a regular expression >>> re.fullmatch() # matches the entire string with a regular expression >>> re.findall() # finds all matches with a regular expression >>> re.sub() # substitutes matches with a given string >>> re.split() # splits the target string by the occurrences of match >>> re.escape() # escapes special characters in a regular expression >>> re.compile() # compiles a regular expression string into an object
For more information, see re — Regular expression operations.
⇒ - Search for First Match
⇐ 're' Module - Regular Expression Operations
2018-10-19, 1536🔥, 0💬
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