Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
"docker container list --all" - List All Containers
How to list all containers on the Docker Engine with "docker container list --all" command?
The default "docker container list" or "docker ps" command lists only running containers. If you want to see all containers including those that were stopped, you need to use the "--all" option.
Here is a list of sub-commands supported by "docker container":
fyicenter$ docker container list --all CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND STATUS PORTS NAMES 96ce071457fc hello-world "/hello" Exited (0) 6 days ago gallant_kepler 645e89e6c929 sleep "/bin/sleep" Created zealous_borg 8a0c937862dd couchdb "tini ..." Up 16 hours 4369/tcp keen_snyder
The "docker container list" command displays the following columns:
⇒ "docker container start/stop" - Start/Stop Container
⇐ "docker container list" - List Container Command
2019-04-16, 1655🔥, 0💬
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