"docker container create --name" - Name Container


How to create a new container with a name from an image with "docker container create --name" command?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you create a new container with default options, it will be given a random name. You should use the "--name" to provide your own name.

1. Create a new container with random name.

fyicenter$ docker container create hello-world


2. List containers from the "hello-world" image.

fyicenter$ docker container list --all

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE        COMMAND   CREATED         STATUS                     NAMES
36f6b8231c20  hello-world  "/hello"  4 minutes ago   Created                    reverent_archimedes
9561c6fa283a  hello-world  "/hello"  21 minutes ago  Exited (0) 10 minutes ago  naughty_chaum

3. Create a new container with a given name.

fyicenter$ docker container create --name my_hello hello-world


3. List containers from the "hello-world" image.

fyicenter$ docker container list --all

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE        COMMAND   CREATED         STATUS                     NAMES
a62f06be4839  hello-world  "/hello"  5 seconds ago   Created                    my_hello
36f6b8231c20  hello-world  "/hello"  8 minutes ago   Created                    reverent_archimedes
9561c6fa283a  hello-world  "/hello"  25 minutes ago  Exited (0) 14 minutes ago  naughty_chaum

As you can see, we can create many containers from the same image and name them any way you want.


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⇑⇑ Docker Container Platform - Tutorials

2019-03-25, 1122🔥, 0💬