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ERROR(NCX-001) - NCX identifier Not Match
How to fix the "ERROR(NCX-001) - NCX identifier ... does not match OPF identifier ..." error?
When you validate a EPUB 2.0 package with EpubCheck, you may see the following error:
C:\fyicenter> java -jar epubcheck.jar Error-NCX-ID-Not-Match-2.0.epub Validating using EPUB version 2.0.1 rules. ERROR(NCX-001): Error-NCX-ID-Not-Match.epub/navigation.xml(-1,-1): NCX identifier ("Hello") does not match OPF identifier (""). Check finished with errors Messages: 0 fatals / 1 error / 0 warnings / 0 infos EPUBCheck completed
Download Error-NCX-ID-Not-Match-2.0.epub, and unzip it. You see the package file "package.opf" defines "" as the EPUB package's unique identifier:
... <package xmlns="" version="2.0" unique-identifier="MyID"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dc:title>Hello</dc:title> <dc:identifier id="MyID"></dc:identifier> <dc:language>en-US</dc:language> </metadata> ...
But the navigation file (or NCX file) refers it as "Hello":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- navigation.xml Copyright (c) 2018 --> <ncx xmlns="" version="2005-1"> <head> <meta content="Hello" name="dtb:uid"/> </head> <docTitle> <text>Hello</text> </docTitle> <navMap> <navPoint id="link1"> <navLabel> <text>Hello</text> </navLabel> <content src="/content.xhtml"/> </navPoint> </navMap> </ncx>
You can fix the error by changing content="Hello" to content="".
⇒ Errors in GeographyofBliss_oneChapter.epub
⇐ ERROR(OPF-030) - unique-identifier Not Found
2022-11-04, 1037🔥, 0💬
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