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json_decode() - JSON Object to PHP Object
How to access properties from the PHP object returned from json_decode() on a JSON object? By default, json_decode() will convert a JSON Object to a PHP object of the default class "stdClass". There are different ways to access properties in the output PHP object: $obj-&gt;property_name - Return...
2018-03-04, 2430🔥, 0💬

'while ... else' Repeating Statement Blocks
How to enter "while ... else" statement blocks in Python code? "while ... else" statement blocks allow you to execute the main statement block repeatedly. When "while ... else" statement blocks are interpreted, the "while" statement block will be executed repeatedly until the given condition returns...
2018-02-28, 1930🔥, 0💬

'while ... else' Repeating Statement Blocks
How to enter "while ... else" statement blocks in Python code? "while ... else" statement blocks allow you to execute the main statement block repeatedly. When "while ... else" statement blocks are interpreted, the "while" statement block will be executed repeatedly until the given condition returns...
2018-02-28, 1930🔥, 0💬

'def' - Function Definition Statements
How to use the "def" statement to define a new function in Python? You can use the "def" statement to define a new function in Python with the following syntax: def function_name(paramenter_list) :statement_block Here is a good example of "def" statement defining a function to generate Fibonacci ser...
2018-02-28, 1440🔥, 0💬

'def' - Function Definition Statements
How to use the "def" statement to define a new function in Python? You can use the "def" statement to define a new function in Python with the following syntax: def function_name(paramenter_list) :statement_block Here is a good example of "def" statement defining a function to generate Fibonacci ser...
2018-02-28, 1440🔥, 0💬

'return' Statement in Function Statement Block
How to use the "return" statement in a function statement block in Python? The "return" statement can be used in a function statement block to terminate the execution of the function and return a data object to the calling expression. Here is a good example of "return" statement used in a function s...
2018-02-28, 1273🔥, 0💬

'return' Statement in Function Statement Block
How to use the "return" statement in a function statement block in Python? The "return" statement can be used in a function statement block to terminate the execution of the function and return a data object to the calling expression. Here is a good example of "return" statement used in a function s...
2018-02-28, 1273🔥, 0💬

'break' Statement in Repeating Statement Blocks
How to use the "break" statement in a repeating statement block in Python code? The "break" statement can be used in a repeating statement block like "for" and "while" loops to terminate the loop immediately. When a "break" statement is interpreted, Python will terminate execution of the nearest "fo...
2018-02-28, 1186🔥, 0💬

'break' Statement in Repeating Statement Blocks
How to use the "break" statement in a repeating statement block in Python code? The "break" statement can be used in a repeating statement block like "for" and "while" loops to terminate the loop immediately. When a "break" statement is interpreted, Python will terminate execution of the nearest "fo...
2018-02-28, 1186🔥, 0💬

'context.Request.MatchedParameters' URL Template Parameters
How to access URL template parameters from "context.Request.MatchedParame ters"object in Azure API Policy? URL template parameters are parameters used in the URL defined in the URL template: For example, the following URL template contains two template parameters, "cid", "oid" and "date": /customers...
2018-02-14, 10432🔥, 0💬

'@(...)' Expressions in Azure API Policy
How to use the "@(...)" expression in Azure API Policy? The "@(...)" expression in Azure API Policy can be used to include a single C# expression as the attribute value or text value in most policy statements. When a "@(...)" expression is included in a policy statement, the C# expression will be ev...
2018-02-14, 3727🔥, 0💬

'@{...}' Expression Blocks in Azure API Policy
How to use the "@{...}" expression block in Azure API Policy? The "@{...}" expression block in Azure API Policy can be used to include a C# statement block as the attribute value or text value in most policy statements. C# statement block in the "@{...}" expression block must end with a "return" sta...
2018-02-14, 2393🔥, 0💬

Using the 'context' Object in Policy Expressions
How to use the built-in "context" object in Policy expressions? The built-in "context" object can be used any "@(...)" expressions or "@{...}" expression blocks. The "context" object allows you to access information related to Azure API operation through its properties and methods. Here are some exa...
2018-02-14, 2366🔥, 0💬

What Is Wrapper Function
What is a wrapper function in Python? A wrapper function in Python is a function that takes an old function as input parameter and returns a new function. The new function should have the same parameter list and return type. If you call the new function, it will perform the same task as the old func...
2018-02-08, 2055🔥, 0💬

Pass Function as Function Parameter
How to pass function objects as function parameters? You can pass function objects like any other types of objects as parameters of other functions. For example, &gt;&gt;&gt; def x(): ... print("Hello world!") ... &gt;&gt;&gt; def addVersion(f): ... f.version = "1.0" ... f.au...
2018-02-08, 1444🔥, 0💬

Function Parameters Assigned with Object References
Is it true that all function parameters are assigned with object references in Python? Yes, all function parameters are assigned with object references in Python. You modify referenced data objects to share data with the calling statement. Here is a good example of modifying the data object referenc...
2018-02-08, 1329🔥, 0💬

Functions Are Objects Too
Are functions objects in Python? Yes, all functions are objects of "function" type in Python? You can verify this with the following Python code: &gt;&gt;&gt; def x(): ... print("Hello world!") ... &gt;&gt;&gt; type(x) &lt;class 'function'&gt; In other words, the "def...
2018-02-08, 1312🔥, 0💬

'__dict__' Dictionary in Function Object
What is the "__dict__" dictionary property in a function object? By default every function object has "__dict__" built-in dictionary property. Each name value pair in this dictionary becomes a formal property of the function object accessible using the "." operation. It is empty when the function ob...
2018-02-08, 1264🔥, 0💬

What Is Python
What Is Python? Python is a widely used high-level programming language for general-purpose programming, created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Main features of Python: Python is a multi-paradigm programming language: object-oriented programming and structured programming are fully ...
2018-02-01, 1802🔥, 0💬

JSON Schema Syntax
What is the JSON Schema syntax? I heard that it is very simple. JSON Schema syntax is very simple. Here are some basic JSON Schema syntax rules: 1. A JSON schema must be a valid JSON Object. 2. A JSON schema may contain zero, one or more validation properties (also called keywords). Each validation ...
2018-02-01, 1520🔥, 0💬

JSON Schema Example
Where to get a simple example of JSON Schema? Here is simple JSON Schema example, called Person_Schema.json: { "title": "Person", "type": "object", "properties": { "firstName": { "type": "string" }, "lastName": { "type": "string" }, "age": { "description": "Age in years", "type": "integer", "minimum...
2018-02-01, 1484🔥, 0💬

Introduction of Python
Where to find tutorials in understanding what is Python? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team in understanding what is Python. What Is Python Download Latest Version of Python for Windows Install Latest Version of Python for Windows Ver...
2018-02-01, 1388🔥, 0💬

What Is JSON Schema
What Is JSON Schema? JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Schema is a standard on how to define the structure of a JSON text string. JSON Schema allows you to: Describe the structure of your JSON text strings. Provide clear, human- and machine-readable documentation about your JSON text strings. Allow ...
2018-02-01, 1368🔥, 0💬

'__init__()' Class Method to Initialize New Instance
What is the "__init__()" class method? The "__init__()" class method is a special method that will be automatically called, if you use the class name as a constructor to create a new instance of the class. Here are the rules you need to follow to define and use the "__init__()" class method: 1. Defi...
2018-01-27, 3265🔥, 0💬

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